Pacritinib persist 2. 2022 Aug 23;6(16):4905-4913.
Pacritinib persist 2 3 Patients were divided into 3 arms; in arm 1, patients received pacritinib once daily; in arm 2, patients received pacritinib Background: Pacritinib is a JAK1-sparing inhibitor of JAK2/IRAK1/ACVR1 that demonstrated symptom benefit measured by TSS (v2. Conclusions and Relevance The study did not meet its primary end point in patients with severe COVID-19. “These patients represent up to 30 percent of all myelofibrosis patients and an unmet medical need. 013]. 0 excluding tiredness) reduction at various thresholds (≥50%, ≥20%, ≥10%, >0%) and transfusion PERSIST-2. For this analysis, comparisons were made between Spleen volume reduction (SVR) predicts overall survival (OS) in myelofibrosis (MF) patients on pacritinib (PAC) but not best available therapy (BAT): PERSIST-2 landmark OS analysis. 0, excluding tiredness) vs best available therapy (BAT) in PERSIST-2 “Pacritinib, a JAK2/IRAK1/ACVR1 inhibitor, demonstrated improved SVR versus [BAT; including ruxolitinib] in patients with myelofibrosis and platelet counts ≤100 × 10 9 /L in the PERSIST-2 study,” the study authors explained in their report. Survival was assessed by Total Symptom Score (TSS; v2. Pacritinib, a JAK2/IRAK1/ACVR1 inhibitor, demonstrated improved SVR versus best available therapy (BAT [best available therapy]; including ruxolitinib) in patients with myelofibrosis and platelet counts ≤ 100 × 109/L in the PERSIST-2 study. In the PERSIST-1 trial, 327 participants were randomized in a 2:1 fashion to receive either pacritinib at a daily dose of 400 mg or physician’s choice of best available therapy, with the We are pleased to have the PERSIST-2 trial underway to evaluate the ability of pacritinib to address this issue. e. Five hundred thirty-six patients were included. 28 PERSIST-2 included both Jak inhibitor–naive and previously treated patients (48% had received prior ruxolitinib) and randomized patients to 2 doses of pacritinib (400 mg/d or 200 mg twice daily) or BAT Methods: Patients randomized to pacritinib 200 mg BID and to BAT on PERSIST-2 were included if they were alive and on study at the start of the week 12 efficacy assessment period. 6% [41 patients]). Enrolled patients with platelet counts ≤100 × 10 9 /L. Background: Pacritinib (PAC) is a novel JAK2/IRAK1 inhibitor approved for patients with myelofibrosis (MF) and platelets <50×109/L. PERSIST-2 was a randomized (1:1:1), controlled, open-label, multinational Phase 3 clinical trial evaluating pacritinib compared to best available therapy (BAT), including the Pacritinib, a JAK2/IRAK1/ACVR1 inhibitor, demonstrated improved SVR versus best available therapy (BAT [best available therapy]; including ruxolitinib) in patients with Pacritinib, a JAK2/IRAK1/ACVR1 inhibitor, demonstrated improved SVR versus best available therapy (BAT [best available therapy]; including ruxolitinib) in patients with Rates of AEs with pacritinib 200 mg BID in PAC203 were generally lower than those reported with pacritinib 200 mg BID or BAT in PERSIST-2 (e. Of these, 189 (132 pacritinib, 57 BAT) received at least one dose of study drug. By contrast of In light of this observation, the PERSIST-2 trial focused specifically on patients with platelet counts lower than 100 × 10 9 /L. 001; ≥50% reduction in TSS: 24 Pacritinib represents an effective treatment option for MF and thrombocytopenia, including in those with prior JAK2 treatment such as ruxolitinib, the researchers concluded. 2 Patients enrolled to Results: Of 117 patients randomized to pacritinib (75 from PERSIST-2, 42 from PAC203), 16% (n=19) experienced HI-P on study (as defined in methods). Prior use of JAK inhibitors and ruxolitinib was permitted. 0, excluding tiredness) vs best available therapy (BAT) in PERSIST-2, which enrolled cytopenic myelofibrosis patients with platelets ≤100×10 9 /L. 2022 Aug 23;6(16):4905-4913. In the PERSIST-1 trial, patients with MF irrespective of baseline platelet count and without prior JAK inhibitor Center for MPNs at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and principal investigator for the PERSIST-2 Phase 3 clinical trial of pacritinib. (CTI BioPharma) (NASDAQ and MTA: CTIC) today announced data from PERSIST-2, a randomized Phase 3 clinical trial comparing pacritinib with In the open-label PERSIST-2 trial, patients with myelofibrosis and platelet counts ≤100,000/μL were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to pacritinib or best available therapy, which could include Request PDF | MPN-145 Retrospective Analysis of Anemia Benefit of Pacritinib From the PERSIST-2 Trial | Background: Pacritinib (PAC) is a novel JAK2/IRAK1 inhibitor approved for patients with This international, multicentre, randomised, phase 3 trial (PERSIST-1) was done at 67 sites in 12 countries. VONJO® (pacritinib) is a kinase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of adults with intermediate or high-risk primary or secondary (post-polycythemia vera [PPV] or post-essential thrombocythemia [PET]) myelofibrosis (MF) with The phase 3 PERSIST-2 study, which assessed the use of pacritinib compared with best available therapy in patients with myelofibrosis and thrombocytopenia, enrolled 311 patients. 16 The phase 3 PERSIST-1 and PERSIST-2 trials established pacritinib as an effective therapy for patients with MF. Patients on study at the start of the 12-week SVR window on pacritinib 200 mg twice daily or BAT PERSIST-2 randomized patients 1:1:1 to pacritinib 200mg BID, pacritinib 400mg daily, or BAT (including ruxolitinib). PERSIST-1 led to PERSIST-2 which enrolled 311 participants with myelofibrosis who also had thrombocytopenia, and the primary endpoint of the study was to compare efficacy of pacritinib to the best available therapy. Although these were randomized Benefi t of Pacritinib From the PERSIST-2 Trial Stephen Oh MD, PhD1, Ruben Mesa MD2, Claire Harrison MD, FRCP, FRCPath3, Prithviraj Bose MD4, Aaron Gerds MD5, PERSIST-2 patients with platelet count 9/L randomized 100x10 to PAC 200mg BID, PAC 400mg QD, or best available therapy The benefit of pacritinib over BAT for spleen volume reduction was demonstrated to be independent of JAK2V617F allele burden in a post hoc analysis of data from PERSIST-1 and PERSIST-2 . PERSIST-1 met its primary end point; however, the development of PAC hit a brief pause because of a US Food and Drug In light of this observation, the PERSIST-2 trial focused specifically on patients with platelet counts lower than 100 × 10 9 /L. In their decision letter, the FDA noted that the interim overall survival results generated from the unblinded PERSIST-2 data show a detrimental effect on survival for patients treated with pacritinib, consistent with the Oh S, Mesa R, Harrison C, et al. PERSIST-2 was a randomized phase 3 study that evaluated pacritinib vs BAT in patients with myelofibrosis and thrombocytopenia. Subgroup analyses may indicate specific populations with hyperinflammation that could benefit from pacritinib Pacritinib (Vonjo) received accelerated approval from the FDA at a twice daily, 200-mg dose for patients with intermediate- or high-risk primary or secondary myelofibrosis who are experiencing severe thrombocytopenia with a platelet count below 50 × 10 9 /L, according to a press release from CTI BioPharma Corporation. For this analysis, comparisons were made between Indication. Infertility: Pacritinib reduced male mating and fertility indices in BALB/c mice. 1182/bloodadvances. Targeted Oncology: What was the make-up of the PERSIST-2 trial (NCT02055781) looking at pacritinib (Vonjo) in patients with myelofibrosis (MF)?. In two updated analyses from the phase III PERSIST-1 study presented at the 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting, authors presented new data about the safety and efficacy of pacritinib for myelofibrosis (MF): one featuring 60-week follow-up data from the PERSIST-1 study1 and the other examining pacritinib in a subset of patients with thrombocytopenia. The modified TSS score was calculated as the sum of individual symptom scores for early satiety, abdominal discomfort, rib pain, night sweats, itching, and bone pain ('tiredness' and 'inactivity' were not included), and response The accelerated approval is based on efficacy results from the pivotal Phase 3 PERSIST-2 study of VONJO in patients with myelofibrosis (platelet counts less than or equal to 100 × 10 9 /L Background. Given that the PERSIST-1 was a randomized (2:1), controlled, open-label, multinational Phase 3 trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of pacritinib compared to BAT, excluding JAK2 inhibitors, which included a The approval was based on data that came from PERSIST-1, and those were patients who were JAK inhibitor naive that were randomized either to pacritinib or best available therapy, which excluded ruxolitinib and it was irrespective of platelet count. Pacritinib may impair male fertility in humans. doi: 10. This is the first of 2 articles based on this event. PERSIST-2. Results from the phase III PERSIST-1 study presented at the 2015 ASCO Meeting showed that the JAK2 inhibitor pacritinib led to more effective spleen volume reduction and better symptom control in patients with myelofibrosis, compared with best available treatment. Pacritinib, a JAK2/IRAK1/ACVR1 inhibitor, demonstrated improved SVR versus best available therapy (BAT [best available therapy]; including ruxolitinib) in patients with myelofibrosis and platelet counts ≤ 100 × 10 9 /L in the PERSIST-2 study. JOHN MASCARENHAS, MD: This was the more interesting of the 2 PERSIST studies. Patients randomized to pacritinib 200mg BID and to BAT on PERSIST-2 were included in this analysis if they were alive and on study at the start of the Week 12 efficacy assessment period. Irrespective of prior JAK2 inhibitor treatment, both PAC arms were more effective at SVR than BAT; however, PAC In this post hoc analysis of the PERSIST-1 and -2 trials, patients with MF randomized to pacritinib or best available therapy (BAT) were stratified by JAK2V617F allele burden quartile for spleen response of ≥35% and improvement in total symptom score of ≥50%. Methods: This analysis included PERSIST-2 patients with platelet count ≤100×10 9 /L randomized to PAC 200mg BID, PAC 400mg QD, or best available therapy BAT Methods: Patients with baseline PLT ≤100x10 9 /L on the pacritinib 200 mg BID arms of the phase 3 PERSIST-2 study (randomized ≥12 weeks prior to study termination) or the phase 2 dose-finding PAC203 study were included. There were 152 patients (104 PERSIST-1 randomized patients 2:1 to receive 400 mg pacritinib daily or BAT. The efficacy and safety of pacritinib has been evaluated in multiple clinical trials, including two randomized, controlled phase 3 trials (PERSIST-1 and PERSIST-2) and a Phase 2 dose-finding study (PAC203). 1,2 Unlike the JAK inhibitors that are currently approved in the United States for myelofibrosis (ruxolitinib To the Editor In the phase 3 PERSIST-2 study reported by Mascarenhas et al, 1 a Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) inhibitor, pacritinib, was more effective than best available therapy (BAT), including a JAK1 and JAK2 inhibitor, ruxolitinib, for reducing the size of the spleen and subjective symptoms in patients with myelofibrosis who had intermediate- or high-risk disease and moderate to severe Conclusions: The PERSIST-2 study is the only randomized, controlled trial to date in pts with MF and thrombocytopenia (platelets ≤100,000/µL), allowed prior JAK2 inhibitor treatment exposure (including RUX), and allowed RUX as BAT comparator. Pacritinib is a novel inhibitor of JAK2, interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 (IRAK1), FLT3, and CSF-1R that has demonstrated clinical benefit in patients with myelofibrosis compared with best available therapy in PERSIST-1 and PERSIST-2 phase 3 studies. PERSIST-2 showed that two dosing regimens of pacritinib (BID and QD) both led to greater spleen volume reduction (SVR) than BAT (which Background: Pacritinib is a JAK1-sparing inhibitor of JAK2/IRAK1/ACVR1 that demonstrated symptom benefit measured by TSS (v2. Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the oral JAK2/IRAK1 inhibitor pacritinib vs placebo in the treatment of adults with Methods: Patients randomized to pacritinib 200 mg BID and to BAT on PERSIST-2 were included if they were alive and on study at the start of the week 12 efficacy assessment period. As imaging for spleen volume as - sessment occurred within a±2-week window around Week 12, The priority review designation for pacritinib is based off results from 3 trials investigating pacritinib 200 mg twice daily for patients with myelofibrosis and severe thrombocytopenia. Additionally, 14 of the 19 HI-P patients had sustained platelet improvement over ≥12 weeks). They also noted there was a trend towards improved OS with pacritinib, although this analysis was The odyssey of pacritinib in myelofibrosis Blood Adv. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the phase 3 PERSIST-2 trial to assess PAC's impact on anemia and performed in vitro analysis to In the PERSIST-2 study, the patients in this study were patients who could have been exposed to a JAK inhibitor—either 1 or 2 JAK inhibitors—previously. Retrospective analysis of anemia benefit of pacritinib from the PERSIST-2 trial. S. We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of pacritinib versus best available therapy in patients with myelofibrosis irrespective of baseline cytopenias. However, two phase III studies of pacritinib, PERSIST-1 and PERSIST-2, were placed on hold by the FDA due to increased patient death from intracranial hemorrhage, cardiac failure, and, Ruben A. Methods: This analysis includes PERSIST-2 patients who were alive and on study at the start of the 12-week SVR window (study week 10) on PAC 200 mg BID or BAT The PERSIST-2 trial evaluated pacritinib for patients with myelofibrosis whose platelet counts are ≤100,000/µL. In the phase III PERSIST-2 trial, the multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitor pacritinib met one of two co-primary endpoints, demonstrating a significant reduction in spleen volume compared with best Conclusions: The PERSIST-2 study is the only randomized, controlled trial to date in pts with MF and thrombocytopenia (platelets We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of pacritinib versus best available therapy in patients with myelofibrosis irrespective of baseline cytopenias. Patients with higher-risk myelofibrosis (with no exclusions for baseline anaemia or thrombocytopenia) were randomly assigned (2:1) to receive oral pacritinib 400 mg once daily or best available therapy (BAT) excluding JAK2 inhibitors until disease progression or Fewer patients experienced fatal TEAEs in the pooled pacritinib group (Table 2). Aaron Gerds, MD, MS: The 2 randomized phase 3 trials of PERSIST-1 and PERSIST-2 trials were focusing on looking at pacritinib in patients with myelofibrosis. The separate phase 3 PERSIST-2 study 23 of pacritinib (400 mg once daily or 200 mg twice daily) versus BAT, including ruxolitinib, in patients with myelofibrosis and baseline thrombocytopenia (≤100 000 platelets per μL) has also shown that pacritinib was significantly more effective than BAT for SVR with an improved benefit–risk profile Explore the design of the PERSIST-2 trial, a randomized, active-controlled, phase 3 study (N=311) in patients with MF and platelet counts ≤100 x 109/L. 2022007524. BAT included any available physician-selected treatment, including “watch and wait” (i. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the phase 3 PERSIST-2 trial to assess PAC's impact on anemia and performed in vitro We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. (CTI BioPharma) (NASDAQ: CTIC) today announced that results from the Phase 3 PERSIST-2 clinical trial of pacritinib (an investigational John Mascarenhas, MD, describes his personal experience with using pacritinib to treat patients with myelofibrosis and reviews the study design and outcomes for both the PERSIST-1 and PERSIST-2 trials. 2 Those who enrolled were randomized into 1 of 3 treatment regimens, including pacritinib once daily (n = 104), pacritinib twice daily (n = 107), or a best alternative The PERSIST-2 (NCT02055781) study design has been previously described. Results of the PERSIST-2 Phase 3 Study of Pacritinib (PAC) Versus Best Available Therapy (BAT), Including Ruxolitinib (RUX), in Patients with Myelofibrosis (MF) and Platelet Counts Less Than PERSIST-2 randomized patients 1:1:1 to receive pacritinib 400 mg daily, pacritinib 200 mg BID, or BAT. With pacritinib, spleen volume reductions of ≥ 35% were observed in all JAK2V617F allele burden quartiles, as well as in JAK2V617F– disease. 1 So, the cytopenic patient with MF could have been given a Learn about VONJO® (pacritinib) for treating higher-risk myelofibrosis patients with low platelet counts & access information for healthcare professionals. 28 (48% had received prior ruxolitinib) and randomized patients to 2 doses of pacritinib (400 mg/d or Importance The morbidity and mortality associated with COVID-19 remain high despite advances in standard of care therapy, and the role of anti-inflammatory agents that inhibit the interleukin 6/JAK2 pathway is still being elucidated. 2 Patients enrolled to Background: Pacritinib is a JAK1-sparing inhibitor of JAK2/IRAK1/ACVR1 that demonstrated symptom benefit measured by TSS (v2. grade 3 or 4 bleeding 6% vs 14% and 7%; grade 3 or 4 cardiac events 4% vs Background: PAC is an oral kinase inhibitor with specificity for JAK2, FLT3, IRAK1, and CSF1R that has demonstrated significant and sustained spleen volume reduction (SVR) and symptom control vs BAT (excluding JAK2 Pacritinib, which inhibits both JAK2 and FLT3, induced spleen responses with limited myelosuppression in phase 1/2 trials. Aaron Gerds The efficacy of pacritinib in patients with myelofibrosis who have both thrombocytopenia and anemia. PERSIST-2 (NCT02055781) will compare the efficacy and safety of two dosing schedules of oral pacritinib (200 mg twice daily or 400 mg qd) Wadleigh M, Seymour JF, et al. Mesa, MD, discusses the JAK2 inhibitor pacritinib, which led to better symptom control and improved cytopenias in patients with myelofibrosis. The phase 3 PERSIST-2 trial (NCT02055781) evaluated the JAK/FLT3 inhibitor pacritinib vs best available therapy (BAT) in patients with We conducted a retrospective analysis of the phase 3 PERSIST-2 trial to assess PAC's impact on anemia and performed in vitro analysis to explore PAC inhibition of ACVR1 (ALK2). It speaks to the fact that the erythropoietin-stimulating agents don’t work that well for our patients, as is evidenced in PERSIST-2. Presented at: the 2022 SOHO Annual Meeting; September 28-October 1, 2022; Houston, TX. Two analyses from the PERSIST-1 trial presented at this year's ASCO Annual Meeting provide new data about The PERSIST-1 study demonstrated that pacritinib was well tolerated by myelofibrosis patients and more effective for reducing spleen volume and controlling symptoms than the best available treatment (BAT). Recent datashowed that in patients with cytopenic MF, a ≥10% reduction in The phase 3 PERSIST-2 trial, which led to the approval of pacritinib, differs from the PERSIST-1 trial (NCT01773187) because patients had not received prior JAK (Janus kinase) inhibitor in the first trial. 20 Briefly, the study enrolled patients with MF and platelet counts of ≤100 × 10 9 /L, randomizing patients to pacritinib 200 mg BID (US Food and Drug Administration–approved dose), pacritinib 400 mg once daily, or BAT. The final results (database lock August 19, 2016) of the PERSIST-2 trial comparing pacritinib with BAT (including ruxolitinib) in patients with intermediate/high-risk myelofibrosis Pacritinib twice daily led to significant improvements in both end points over BAT (≥35% SVR: 16 patients [22%] vs 2 patients [3%]; P = . PERSIST-2 was a patient population that was more advanced and had platelets under 100,000. 2% [28 patients] vs 40. . In PERSIST-2, 29% of patients on VONJO with platelet counts <50 x 10 9 /L achieved ≥35% spleen volume reduction (SVR) vs 3% on best available therapy (BAT). J Clin Oncol. Results of a phase 2 study of pacritinib (sb1518), a novel Whether this association occurs in patients with thrombocytopenia is unclear. 2:28 . Authors Sangeetha (PERSIST-2, PAC 400 mg daily or 200 mg twice daily vs best available therapy). Data from the PERSIST-2 prospective randomized, controlled trial is encouraging because we Pacritinib previously demonstrated efficacy in the phase 3 PERSIST-1 (NCT01773187) and PERSIST-2 (NCT02055781) trials, as well as findings from the phase 2 PAC203 trial. SEATTLE, March 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- CTI BioPharma Corp. 2 Notably, prior findings from the study supported the February 2022 Investigators evaluated patients from the phase 3 PERSIST-2 trial (NCT02055781) who had received pacritinib 200 mg twice daily and were ruxolitinib naïve. Incidence of cardiac Rates of grade 3 or higher adverse events were lower with pacritinib than placebo (29. " PERSIST-2 is a randomized, open-label, multi-center clinical trial evaluating We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Investigating the impact of pacritinib on survival in patients with MF and severe thrombocytopenia. Previous publications have characterized PAC's unique advantage of reduced myelosuppression. Crossover from BAT Recent post-hoc data from the phase 3 PERSIST-2 study have shown that PAC is associated with spleen volume reduction, symptom benefit, and reduced transfusions in patients with bicytopenia (Vachhani P, et al. Randomization was stratified by baseline platelet count. 0 excluding tiredness) reduction at various thresholds (≥50%, ≥20%, ≥10%, >0%) and transfusion independence (TI) response. 1. Food and Dr Pemmaraju on the PERSIST-2 Trial in Myelofibrosis. The agency’s decision comes from results CTI Biopharma have issued the top-line results of the PERSIST-2 study, which you can read here Professor Claire Harrison says of the results: I am very happy to see these positive results for the effectiveness and safety of pacritinib which will now hopefully quickly become more widely available for patients with low blood counts and myelofibrosis. Mesa, MD, of Mayo Clinic, Arizona, TX, discusses the ongoing PERSIST-2 trial, which is a multicentre, randomised phase 3 trial comparing the efficacy and safety of pacritinib versus best available therapy in patients with primary myelofibrosis, post-polycythemia vera myelofibrosis, SEATTLE, Dec. Read more about PERSIST-1 here. 2 In February 2016, the U. 2024; 42(16)(Suppl 6578)). This international, multicentre, randomised, phase 3 trial (PERSIST-1) was done at Explore the design of the PERSIST-2 trial, a randomized, active-controlled, phase 3 study (N=311) in patients with MF and platelet counts ≤100 x 109/L. Pacritinib is a JAK2 / IRAK1 inhibitor in development for the treatment of patients with myelofibrosis (MF). , no active treatment). PERSIST-2 looked at patients with platelets of 100,000/µL or less. At the 2015 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, Ruben A. In PERSIST-2, patients could have received a prior JAK inhibitor including ruxolitinib (Jakafi) and had a platelet count of 100,000/µL or Results: Of 117 patients randomized to pacritinib (75 from PERSIST-2, 42 from PAC203), 16% (n=19) experienced HI-P on study (as defined in methods). Background: Pacritinib (PAC) is a novel JAK2/IRAK1 inhibitor approved for patients with myelofibrosis (MF) and platelets <50×10 9/ L. 3 The group who [received] BAT included patients who were on erythropoietics. The final results (database lock August 19, 2016) of the PERSIST-2 trial comparing pacritinib with BAT (including ruxolitinib) in patients with intermediate/high-risk myelofibrosis and baseline platelet count less than or equal to 100 × 10 9 /L are reported herein. 6, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- CTI BioPharma Corp. Patients in this study were randomized to pacritinib 400 mg daily, 200 mg twice daily, or best available therapy that could include a JAK inhibitor. Patients included in the analysis were randomized prior to week 22 of the study During a Targeted Oncology™ Case-Based Roundtable™ event, Bart Scott, MD, discussed JAK inhibitor options and the data from the PERSIST-2 trial of pacritinib. Pacritinib may provide a therapeutic option for MF patients with baseline cytopenias and is currently being evaluated in 2 phase 3 trials. Recent data showed that in patients with cytopenic MF, a ≥10% reduction in spleen volume at 12 The PERSIST-2 (NCT02055781) study design has been previously described. By contrast, only 5% (4/77) of patients on BAT achieved HI-P response prior to end of study treatment. Design, Setting, and Participants For this phase 3 randomized international multicenter study—the PERSIST-2 study—of pacritinib vs BAT, 311 patients with myelofibrosis and platelet count 100 × 109/L or less were recruited for analysis. The decision is informed by results from the phase 3 PERSIST-2 (NCT02055781) and PERSIST-1 (NCT01773187) trials and the phase 2 PAC203 trial Pacritinib is a JAK2 inhibitor that also has activity against interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 (IRAK1). g. Methods: Patients with baseline PLT ≤100x10 9/L on the pacritinib 200 mg BID arms of the phase 3 PERSIST-2 study (randomized ≥12 weeks prior to study termination) or the phase 2 dose-finding Pacritinib had less severe myelotoxic effects when compared to ruxolitinib. HI-P was defined per International Working Group (IWG) criteria (baseline PLT <20x10 9 /L: increase to >20x10 9 /L and by at least 100%; Some 24% of patients treated with pacritinib in PERSIST-2 achieved transfusion independence [vs 5% with BAT; P = . The incidence of serious and grade ≥3 bleeding AE was lower with pacritinib 200 mg BID in PAC203 than those reported with pacritinib 200 mg BID or BAT in PERSIST-2, likely attributable to the additional safety measures in PAC203 (Table 2). Advertisement intended for health care professionals Pacritinib previously demonstrated efficacy in the phase 3 PERSIST-1 (NCT01773187) and PERSIST-2 (NCT02055781) trials, as well as findings from the phase 2 PAC203 trial. 63rd American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting & Exposition. PERSIST-1 and PERSIST-2 will assess pacritinib’s efficacy in MF patients who have not received prior anti-JAK therapy The impact of pacritinib on myelofibrosis symptoms in patients with moderate and severe thrombocytopenia: a retrospective analysis of patients in the Persist-2 study [poster presentation]. In total, 192 patients (133 pacritinib, 59 BAT) with severe thrombocytopenia were enrolled in PERSIST-1 and PERSIST-2. bjcnfbcjrowddazbhgqmywhcnrhhtnwfefhtqqogwvbifysdfjoyirjldjgfxpacjuosqmzrzbpcstssolgbg