Homebrew slim jim antenna.
The N9TAX Slim Jim Antenna Review.
Homebrew slim jim antenna The $4. I have been using this one indoors (my hobby room) and outoors (in my shop By the addition of a homebrew tuning capacitor across the air gap, you can now get it tuned much better than you may have before doing this simple modification to the air gap. From my QTH in Hertfordshire which is around 475 ASI, the Slim Jim antenna made R5 contacts into London, Bristol, and Wales with the fartherest at least 200 miles Homebrew. The Slim Jim is a vertically polarized omnidirectional end-fed antenna having considerable "gain" and this is concentrated almost parallel to ground toward the horizon rather than skyward making it more efficient than a ground plane type Want to homebrew an antenna for 2M? Want something that actually works well? Want to get it up and running in an hour or less? Enter the slim jim variation on the jpole. Airband Rx. – KM4NMP. g. Antennas. Hits: 1917 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 1 The Original "Slim Jim" Antenna Article; The 2BCX Slim Jim by F. 70MHz Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna; 144MHz 2m Portable Yagi VHF Beam Antenna; Magnetic Loop Antennas; IC-7200 ID-51 International Space Station Inverted V ISS J Pole Linear Monoband MOSFET Portable quarter wave Secret Nuclear Bunker Slim Jim Space Station SSTV topband Video Yagi. This how to will show you how to build a 2 meter slim jim antenna from ordinary insulated copper wire commonly used for carrying AC (alternate current) electricity in your HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS The Slim Jim is a close brother to the J Pole. Pingback: 2m Portable Slim Jim Antenna – KM4NMP. 500MHz, and the calculator gives you all of the values you need. Various antennas I have built. 8-inch 144/430MHz High Gain Foldable CS Tactical Antenna for Baofeng UV-5R BF-F8HP 5RM K5PLUS UV-21R AR-152 Quansheng K6 UVK5(8) Radio Accessories This antenna works equally well on 2m 146 MHz, adjust each element length to 485 mm. ) So, what is the real difference between a 2 meter Slim Jim and a 2 meter Slim Jim J Pole other than a minor construction difference? Making a slim jim; A Slim Jim for 4m; 2 Meter Slim Jim antenna using 300 Ohm Twinlead; Moxon Antenna Plan for 27MHz CB and Freeband Opera Hamradio Homebrew 2 Meter Square Dipole Plan; VHF or UHF Yagi BALUN Calculator. . Pingback: Comparing 2m Homebrew Antennas – KM4NMP. Many claim the Slim Jim Antenna has quite a bit more gain than the J-pole. The video provides an excellent mix of practical antenna theory, simple construction practices, and motivation to get people building their own ham equipment. The two ends are soldered together to make a loop and a small gap cut out of one side of the ladder line, the Coax. You could even place it on a very simple mast by using 3/4" PVC, running the coax through it, and placing the antenna on top (with the connector sitting just inside the top of the conduit). m0ukd. I also thought about a slim jim / J-pole, but the total length would be 3 metres. The Slim JIM Design From the book, the slim JIM was developed based on the basic J-Pole design, see Fig. Completed antenna on the right above an other shots of it. ; 144MHz Portable Yagi Beam – A compact, portable 6 element 144MHz Yagi antenna. J-Pole antennas for 2m-40m with Wireman-cable The picture shows the scheme of a J-Pole antenna. The feedline (coax cable) is normally connected 1/20 wavelength from the bottom of the slim jim antenna with the center conductor connected to the longest side and the shield/braid is connected to the shorter side. I believe one of the main reasons that the N9TAX performed better than my homebrew version was the fact that I did not us a 1:1 choke at the bottom of it. The dimensions are crucial, and here I’d highly recommend M0UKD’s Slim Jim Calculator. As can be seen in Figure 3, there is a minimum SWR crossover point at around 145/445 MHz. built for quick assembly in the field or up mountains. Maximum forward GAIN is about 8,17 DBi. Homebrew 2M Moxon Antenna There are times when you may need more gain than the standard J-Pole antenna. 1 shows a 3 elements VHF Yagi "homebrew" antenna designed with YAGIMAX 3. Figure 2: 4NEC2 Simulation SWR results for single radiator, dual band, 2m/7cm antenna. Proven Antennas A new "e-book" pdf Release by N4UJW and KL7JR The TAK-tenna! SPECIAL GUEST ARTICLES AND PROJECTS G5RV MULTIBAND HF ANTENNA 4m slim jim antenna . Bat detector MK2 . This goes to show that usable antennas do not need to be complicated. The 2M Slim Jim was made from Aluminium tubing. 13. After researching The Slim Jim is generally characterized as an end-fed vertical folded dipole. It is an off centre fed dipole, with 10 feet of vertical radiator. Vertical antenna Slim Jim The slim jim has more bandwidth or a wider range of frequencies than the jpole: VHF End-Fed Half-Wave J-Pole The Folded Dipole Antenna, with balsa wood strips and epoxy resin for strength and protection, and the dipole was made from 1/16" diameter: Verticale alimentee en J Pingback: 2m Portable Slim Jim Antenna – KM4NMP. The radiation pattern of this antenna is also omnidirectional and perpendicular to the plane of the antenna. Then simply move the The Slim Jim is a close brother to the J Pole. SLIM JIM. He build a 2 meter Slim Jim antenna to work all the local repeaters as well as simplex. I set it up indoors strung from the curtain rail (shown above) in an upstairs To explain here is an animation of how the antenna works. Both use a transmission line matching system. 2 shows a table for the SWR Good Morning! I purchased an N9TAX dual band slim jim antenna for Murs/GMRS/FRS used from a guy. Antennae are fun to make. Homebrew ground plane antenna for 50 MHz. They are about 4-5ft long but they just don't have that "I'm an antenna" look about them, so they may not draw as much attention. Again, keep it away from conductive objects a minimum of 20 inches from the bottom 1/4 wave ground plane was my first homebrew as well, and they work great. Resources listed under 10 Meter Antennas category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. One benefit most agree on is that the Slim Jim has more bandwidth or a larger range of frequency with a usable SWR level. On most of the J Pole designs out there, a choke should be used as close to the feedpoint of the antenna as possible to help prevent rf on the feedline and creating difficulty with SWR readings. The Slim Jim always gave better results. 2 MHz vertical 1/2 wave Coaxial Dipole antenna project for your home QTH, SOTA, portable field operations/WICEN exercises or the emergency 2m Go-box. 5Read More The Slim Jim antenna is a flexible antenna made from ladder line. The current (I) and voltage (V) of the received (or transmitted) signal are an equal value and opposite in polarity along both halves of the dipole. Slim Jim (J Integrated Match J-Pole) The 2 meter Omni Samurai Antenna; Homebrew 2 meter Amateur Radio Antenna from 2 Meter Slim Jim antenna from Ordinary Wires; Slim Jim Antenna; A Slim Jim for 4m; 2 Metre band Slim Jim antenna; The G5RV antenna; 2m 4-element Quad you can build; FIG. As with all end fed dipoles some sort of impedance matching is necessary to keep the SWR down. Simple Geiger Counter . If you are new to Amateur Radio, or just want an easy to deploy 2 Meter antenna for out in the field, this is a great project. Post updated 5 May 2019, scroll to the bottom for The KD0QMY 2 Meter Slim Jim Antenna Project by Doug Cummins. Save Share Reply Quote Like. The high impedance feeding point of a lambda/2-wire , Fiberglass tubing, Phased Array, Projects Homebrew, Software Antenna, Software About Slim Jim antennas. IT System Engineer, recently started having fun with morse code and Raspberry Pi; IW5EDI Simone. The photograph and PDF diagram show the These antennas were quite popular at one time, with the introduction of low cost multi-band commercial vertical antennas for 6m/2m/70cms they seem to be rarely used these days. The tip is 2 inches below the inside peak of the roof. Pingback: Improving The 6m Delta Loop – KM4NMP. Hanging the antenna from a tree presented several constraints such as a symmetrical design that would hang straight vertically TO swr the Slim jim simply hang the antenna in free space away from metal objects and make sure the Coax runs straight down below the antenna. Calculator explained. So what is a Slim Jim Antenna and why would you want one in your radio kit bag? The Slim Jim antenna is a flexible antenna made from ladder line. You put in the frequency you’re after, e. Elsewhere in amateur radio circles this antenna is known as a 2m Flower Pot Antenna. Homebrew. I HAM RADIO: Easy SlimJim / J-Pole Dual band Antenna Build for 2m/70cm, Thanks to a book I purchased many moons ago, I have found the perfect way to pass a ra Tests with the usual J-pole arrangement (and the Slim Jim) proved that physical constraints and area coverage of the target area were not quite what we needed, so the attempt The picture above shows that the Townsman 70cm antenna Demonstrating a homebrew prototype VHF Slim Jim antenna and use on local VHF repeater as well as reception of the crossband repeater of International Space S Video: My Homebrew Slim Jim Antenna for 2 Meters. ok na ok pang portable at base radio. Plus the antenna also have the great low noise floor and wide bandwidth typical of our other antennas. Antenna jpole Links → . The only difference between the two is the Slim Jim bends Due to popular searches, I’ve included a diagram to make a flexible slim jim antenna. It's about 5 and a half feet long. Credits to VK2ZOI (SK). Reactions: n2dablue. 1. Check out our new HF antenna building products. I fabricated 2 cross braces out of PVC pipe and T's. 70MHz Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna; 144MHz 2m Portable Yagi VHF Beam Antenna; IC-7200 ID-51 International Making a slim jim; A Slim Jim for 4m; 2 Meter Slim Jim antenna using 300 Ohm Twinlead; Moxon Antenna Plan for 27MHz CB and Freeband Opera Hamradio Homebrew 2 Meter Square Dipole Plan; VHF or UHF Yagi BALUN Calculator. Next you need a roll up slim jim antenna made from ladder line. This 4m Slim Jim is cheap and easy to build yet it greatly out performs the more usual dipole due to its low angle of radiation. Slim Jim is a great antenna for VHF operations, It has quite wide bandwidth and has a low RF take off angle. So while I was at it thought I'd film my findi slim Jim and J Pole calculator. AP2MS Ham Member QRZ Page. by Don Butler, N4UJW . Antenna Dimension Chart. Each element can be rotated in the horizontal or vertical plane to match the receiving station antenna polarisation. I remembered the Slim JIM and so I went back to the bookshelf in my shack at Los Baños. SLIM JIM When I Class 1970, married with two childrens, love experimenting and antenna home-brewing. Building the Slim Jim antenna This guide assume you want to build a slim jim antenna that centered on 146MHz. When I built my first 10 metre transceiver, I decided to make a Slim Jim for 10M. With the way these two elements are fed with your coax, no horizontal radiator elements are needed. His initial reports have been good. JIM stands for "J Integrated Matching" as it uses a J type This 4m Slim Jim is cheap and easy to build yet it greatly out performs the more usual dipole due to its low angle of radiation. Many have tried to copy this antenna over the years but none compare to the Authentic N9TAX antenna. A Comet antenna as mentioned above would make a world of difference. This suggestion is a flop. Read More 144 mhz I5MZY vhf antenna Yagi Antenna Dual Band J-Pole for UHF VHF The figure above shows that the longest side of slim jim is 3/4 wavelength long and the shorter side of the slim jim consist of 1/2 wavelength and 1/4 wavelength long seperated by a gap. 70MHz Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna; 144MHz 2m Portable Yagi VHF Beam Antenna; Magnetic Loop Antennas; IC-7200 ID-51 International Space Station Inverted V ISS J Pole Linear Monoband MOSFET Article by EI9GQ My first J vertical was a Slim Jim for two metres. 20W transistor broadband HF linear. With twice the gain of a standard J-Pole antenna, the 2 meter Slim Jim antenna is a J-Pole on steroids! The Slim is an end-fed folded dipole antenna that has a gain of 6 dbi and a nice low RF take off angle. Very weatherproof. The photograph and PDF diagram show the This Slim Jim antenna can be used inside by supporting from string, nylon cord, etc from a high point in the room or used outside by hanging or supported from a suitable length of PVC pipe, (see standard Slim Jim design) wood or other NON-CONDUCTIVE MATERIAL. Simple L - Match ATU . Slim Jim (J Integrated Match J-Pole) The 2 meter Omni Samurai Antenna; Homebrew 2 meter Amateur Radio Antenna from One particular advantage of this antenna is that the quarter wave tuning section effectively puts the radiating element higher above ground level. This how to will show you how to build a 2 meter slim jim antenna from ordinary insulated copper wire commonly used for carrying AC (alternate current) electricity in your household. Calculation Construction of the 2 Meter Copper Slim Jim Antenna (Slim Jim details here) Completed antenna on left and shown standing in front of standard size door The construction is really simple. Great job Tom. So, I decided to go with a trusty ½ λ centre fed dipole. 145. See below the Slim-Jim antenna design. I soon realised that it would be quite difficult to make a 10M version. For a low cost, "build it in minutes" antenna the ribbon cable J-Pole or "Slim Jim" as it The N9TAX Slim Jim antenna is the highest quality roll up antenna available today. Post #1642. First, I put together the copper tubing Slim Jim antenna for 2 meters, following the directions on Hamuniverse. This 10m one, made from 450 Ohm slotted ribbon cable from Moonraker and secured on an 8m fishing pole, was inspired by Jim Bacon G3YLA (also a fellow Norfolk ham) who brought one along to our annual “Radio by the Seaside” event. 35 dBd; i. It has gone through a few revisions over the years (this is version 4) and is now a The Slim Jim Antenna is a relative of the J-pole Antenna. Home » Homebrew » VHF Antennas » 4m Slim Jim Antenna. This fact alone can have a significant effect on the performance of the antenna Antenna for 70 cm 432-440 MHz category is a curation of 61 web resources on , 432 MHz 5 elements Yagi, 70 cm Helix Antenna, 432 MHz yagi antenna. The pages are now turning khaki yellow but the design does not change in performance, I mused. Slim-Jim 2m Antenna Drawing and assembling instruciton for Slim-Jim 2m Antenna 7 Elements YAGI for 144 Mhz The QM7 antenna is a simple 7 elements Yagi with 3. Making a slim jim; A Slim Jim for 4m; 2 Meter Slim Jim antenna using 300 Ohm Twinlead; Moxon Antenna Plan for 27MHz CB and Freeband Opera Hamradio Homebrew 2 Meter Square Dipole Plan; VHF or UHF Yagi BALUN Calculator. Since an old 5 element version (v1) of my antenna was shown in the July 2011 edition of RadCom, a few people have contacted me asking for some information on how it was constructed. FM bug. Another disadvantage is, it was the hardest to store. Once I decided where to place them, they were set in place using silicone. Not sure what you need? Check out the website and product tour video! New! HF Ladder Grab antenna kit. com, using 1/2" copper pipe already on hand. This in itself says something about the dedication I have to creating a quality product. The N9TAX Slim Jim comes with a ferrite choke built in to the coax stub that is supplied. Read More 144 mhz I5MZY vhf antenna Yagi Antenna Dual Band J-Pole for UHF VHF Slim Jim (J Integrated Match J-Pole) is probably the most easiest and powerful 2 meter antenna to build provided you have the exact measurement and material to build it. Here is the link to the antenna calculator I used. The original 2m Slim Jim was designed by Fred Judd G2BCX, who lived in Norfolk before he became SK some years ago. FIG. JUDD, G2BCX. Convert a J Pole to a Slim Jim More Antenna Projects! DANGER! Do not install ANY Slim Jim antenna, as the name implies, has a very slim design and hence very little wind loading. This makes the 2 Meter Slim Jim antenna a great solution for repeater sites, data and packet antenna projects for 10 meters band category is a curation of 88 web resources on , A 10 metre EH Antenna, Dualband-Moxon-Beam for 10 m and 6 m, The flower pot antenna. Post #1 Very simple portable dipole. I wanted to know which is best. I noted that Slim Jim ends are soldered where as Slim Jim J Poles have an open top end (if that makes sense. I have a Diamond X-50 (4. Tom is going to write a summary for an upcoming club newsletter. Interestingly, there's plenty of conflicting opinions as to whether a "Slim Jim" is any different than a J-Pole performance wise. Post #1639. A Ladder Line Slim Jim This 4m Slim Jim is cheap and easy to build yet it greatly out performs the more usual dipole due to its low angle of radiation. An original project by I0QM of a 7 element yagi anetnna in a PDF File. Resources listed under 70 Mhz Antenna category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. 00 Ham Radio Satellite Antenna; The Hentenna; 4m Slim Jim Antenna; VHF – UHF 142 – 450 MHz Log-periodic Antenna; 6m/10m Dual Band mobile whip; married with two childrens, love experimenting and antenna home-brewing. This is a full Power Home » Homebrew » VHF Antennas » 4m Slim Jim Antenna. 5 dB forward gain over the isotropic radiator, while the F/R is about 12. #antenna#slimjim#tutorial The N9TAX 2 Meter Ladder Line Slim Jim Antenna Review . Building a Multi-Band HF Dipole Antenna. I Slim Jim antenna, as the name implies, has a very slim design and hence very little wind loading. For low power QRP portable field/SOTA work you can mount the antenna on a telescopic pole or hang it from a tree branch. J VERTICAL. Be sure to scroll down a bit to see the diagram of the 70 MHz Slim Jim constructed with 450 Ohm Balanced Feeder. I bought it because I had tried making them and I am having a hard time getting them to resonate with the online calculators. B. 70MHz Quarter Wave Ground Plane – Building a simple 1/4 wave ground plane antenna for the 4m band. "FANTASTIC" were the end results is what I say about the slim jim antenna! See photos below of this very simple and easy project and it is cheap! Finished antenna on left and other sections during the build. The Homebrew Slim Jim Antenna Gain; Slim Jim antenna gain. This antenna is useful to increase the range of your portable radio or as a simple TO swr the Slim jim simply hang the antenna in free space away from metal objects and make sure the Coax runs straight down below the antenna. 7 m boom length for the lower 144 MHzSSB/MGM band forward gain is 1. As you can see, unlike j-pole,slim jim or co-linear or ground plane antennas it is a totally balanced design. I see an antenna like this one being quite useful when attached to a handheld transceiver. SLIM JIM When I. A homebrew 13 elements yagi antenna for 144 MHz by I5MZY. If you can sweat a copper joint, you will not have a problem ( some of you may need help with reading a tape measure, using a tubing cutter, etc). It is powerful yet simple to construct, once you get the hang of it you would certainly have no problem to construct other variants of Slim Jim antenna using different material. This simple aerial performed better than a centre fed dipole at the same height. Toggle navigation. Then simply move the feed point up or down slightly until best swr is achieved. 1 FIG. After researching and looking at antenna models I do not agree. I've had success building 450 ohm ladder line "Slim Jim" antennas as well as J-Pole configurations for VHF and UHF but they didn't seem to perform very well as dual band antennas. paano gawin. Pingback: Basic RF Here is my home HF antenna. Since I like making things, a homebrew antenna was in order. I've been producing these antennas professionally for nearly a decade now and have sold over 15000 units. 4265 posts · Joined 2017 Add to quote; Only show this user This is a really easy, fun antenna to build. com/Calculators/Slim_Jimand print out the See more Slim Jim antenna, as the name implies, has a very slim design and hence very little wind loading. I enjoy working portable on the 2m band and have a few aerials to choice from . Sommerkamp FTDX500 / Yaesu FTDX400 restoration . antenna homebrew. JIM stands for “J Integrated Matching” as it uses a J type matching stub. 80 . For 2 meters, the coil is 4 turns of coax at 5 inches in diameter. e. I abandoned the idea of using a folded half wave vertical, like the Slim Jim. Frequency (MHz): Input the frequency for calculations Velocity factor: The conductive material user for the antenna’s radiating The Slim Jim always gave better results. Homebrew (136) HF Antennas (76) Raspberry Pi (1) UHF Antenna (15) VHF Antennas (37) Photos (4) Short News (4) Video (4) Comments. Folks, this is one of my favorite aspects of the hobby. QRP in This 4m Slim Jim is cheap and easy to build yet it greatly out performs the more usual dipole due to its low angle of radiation. In fact, the calculators asks for around 59 Cms of total length of the Slimjim Antenna. Resources listed under 70cm antenna category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. It The N9TAX Slim Jim Antenna Review. Slim Jim antenna, as the name implies, has a very slim design and hence very little wind loading. Coach discusses indoor and outdoor applications of this sturdy, well-crafted antenna. This Blog is One of our local operators, Tom-K4GIV, just completed a very nice antenna project. This Blog is mainly dedicated to Amateur Radio (Ham radio) and contains external articles and personal Homebrew. C. • The full-wave antenna is voltage fed, so it readily Please note most of the designs on the internet for SlimJim antenna show total length of more than 150 Cms or above 55 Inches. This exercise would also prepare you in the world of Amateur Radio where real hams homebrew their own antennas. Slim Jim Antenna category is a curation of 29 web resources on , Slim Jim vs J-Pole, 2m Slim-Jim Aerial using Ladder-Line, 2 Meter Slim Jim Antenna. JIM stands for "J Integrated Matching" as it uses a J type This type of antenna is very easy to build and I recommend all beginners to give it a try. Many hams use a SO- 239 chassis mount connector. 2 shows a table for the SWR, GAIN an Construction of the 2 Meter Copper Slim Jim Antenna (Slim Jim details here) Completed antenna on left and shown standing in front of standard size door The construction is really simple. Read More You need gain so don't waste your money on a homebrew antenna. An SWR of 1:1 is obtainable across the 4m FM band with simple adjustment. Harry on N9TAX Slim Jim 2m/70cm antennas can be pretty stealth. Last update: 4 December This page contains construction details on a 2 metre 144MHz VHF Yagi beam antenna, designed for portable use. They hang, so they can be hung against a wall, or a corner and be even more out of sight. Slim Jim (J Integrated Match J-Pole) The 2 meter Omni Samurai Antenna; Homebrew 2 meter Amateur Radio Antenna from 70 Mhz antennas category is a curation of 41 web resources on , 4 meter antenna conversion, 70 MHz Yamag Antenna, A centre-fed co-axial dipole for 4-m. 7 m boom length for the lower 144 MHz SSB/MGM band, in PDF Format 3 elements VHF Yagi homebrew antenna designed with YAGIMAX 3. I compared it with an end fed half wave and an end fed 5/8 wave vertical. The resultant antenna dimensions being a bit too long for the 2m band in this region and being a bit too short, in lengths, for the 70cm band. Brettny. This video is packed full of technical and basic deployment information about our antennas. A nicely done video from Coach Helder (W2NTC) on how to set up and use the 2m/70cm rollup slim jim/J-Pole antenna by Nelson Antennas. Truth is, you could spray paint the thing as well. Antenna tests were made using a A homebrew 2m 144. The feedline (coax cable) is normally connected 1/20 wavelength from the bottom of the slim jim antenna with the center conductor connected to the longest side J-Pole or Slim-Jim Antenna: A J-Pole or Slim-Jim antenna consists of a vertical ¼-wave element and a vertical ¾-wave element. Post #1640. 4m Slim Jim Antenna Posted in VHF Antennas. This design does not have as much gain and it showed in the testing. Pingback: Hub for Portable Dipole and NVIS Antennas. The QM7 antenna is a simple 7 elements Yagi with 3. I plan to use this antenna on packe Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW) provides the answer in this easily understandable tutorial on the Slim Jim Antenna--an antenna suited for both home and portable use. Home; Mapsite; Add Link; Antenna jpole Links → . Pingback: 6m Delta Loop With 2:1 Balun – KM4NMP. Both are The 1/4 wave ground plane preformed well; but, it was beat out by the J-pole and the Slim Jim. Are you looking for a UHF omni antenna with a little more gain? Our UHF Slim Jim Antenna delivers up to 6dbi of gain on the 440 - 470 Mhz UHF bands, which is almost twice the gain of a J-Pole and 5 times the gain of a 1/4 wave ground-plane antenna. You are watching me tune the Home-Brew 2 meter Slim Jim (Super J-pole) antenna I put in my garage a couple of weeks ago. The only difference between the two is the Slim Jim bends the antenna back on itself to make a “folded dipole” half wave end fed, while the J Pole simply has a single wire end fed dipole. ABBREE SMA-Female Ham Radio Antenna VHF/UHF 18. 2M Aluminum Slim Jim Antenna. A Simple Project - One Transistor TRF Regen Receiver. ; Magnetic Loop Antennas – Experimenting with a VHF magnetic loop and a larger HF one in • Of all simple vertical antennas over ground, the 5/8 wave radiator has the lowest angle of radiation, however the base of the 5/8 antenna presents a relatively low impedance, not the high impedance offered by the ¼ wave stub. N9TAX 2 Meter 450 Ohm Ladder Line Slim Jim Antenna Review!. Antenna design. 70MHz Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna; 144MHz 2m Portable Yagi VHF Beam Antenna; Magnetic Loop Antennas; This requires a matching section at the base, but no boom arm is needed. JIM stands for "J Integrated Matching" as it uses a J type As I searched for 2 meter Slim Jim plans, I noted the there are Slim Jims and also Slim Jim J Poles. Pingback: Basic RF Choke – KM4NMP. 5dbi gain) antenna in the attic. Go to www. Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by AP2MS, Jan 6, 2024. This is an ideal antenna for first timers to build. There is only a wires and other offensive antenna structures. jwfxecpqoqmtztfwylnvmaiawezqutlebbljwvchwzfpmkwnowqhjrwvoeyxipjugfepcyywnpkifkhr