Elegua prayer Before presenting an offering, practitioners light a candle and recite a short prayer to invoke the deity. Represented as a young child or wise elder, often seen with keys and a staff, Elegba’s colors are red and black. He is the most important loa because he stands at a Eleggua (also spelled Elegua, Elewa, Elegba or Legba) is the most important of the orishas in Santeria. It combines the power of prayer and candle magic to help you attract success and prosperity in your business endeavors. $49. Eleguá Day in Santeria It is a date to celebrate, honor him and pray to the little orisha. 0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. Eleguá, little warrior, immense in your powers and gifts, today I am before you to evoke your incredible presence to be able to obtain success and to appease all the difficulties that are in my path or path. What is Gourd of brandy, tobacco smoke, dressed in a sack. He is also the bringer of divine justice, truth and Elegua (Yoruba: Èṣù-Ẹlẹ́gbára and Ẹlẹ́gbá, also spelled Eleggua; known as Eleguá in Latin America and Spanish-speaking Caribbean islands) is an Orisha, a deity of roads in the religions of Santería, Winti, Umbanda, Quimbanda, Holy Infant of Atocha, and Candomblé. Prayer to Elegua Orisha Elegua Laminated Prayer Card. Add to Favorites Goddess Art Goddess Oshun Prayer Card Altar Card African Orisha Voodoo Hoodoo Fantasy Art Spiritual Art Divine Feminine The episode emphasizes the importance of speaking your prayers and intentions aloud, expressing your desires and goals, and thanking Elegua for his presence and assistance. For this reason, Eleguá is the first Orisha we call in ceremonies, the first we feed, and often the first we receive. To the Lord of All Paths, Illustrious Warrior, Immortal Prince, I offer this humble prayer. The traditional prayers shared in this article are easy to remember and have been used successfully already, so there is power stored in these words and anyone can use them. 4k) $ 14. This may prove useful to some of us kids, at least. Elegua, tú que estás colmado de profunda sabiduría. His influence spans multiple dimensions of life, embodying the concepts of fate, destiny, and communication. Usually the stone is shaped into a head with a cement outer layer and cowrie shells for eyes and mouth. He lives in a shallow clay dish inside the house, usually behind the door. 99. Ashé pa mi Cuba. Offering # 7: This is a special offering; Ota de Elegua is a consecrated stone in an Orisha ritual that corresponds to a certain deity to whom the owner of the Say this prayer to Obatalá on his day, September 24th Do these 3 Prayers during the day of Oshún: Celebrate with faith Attract the Power of Eleguá to control your enemies Special prayer to the Orisha Obba: Make a request for protection Prayer and ritual to Oshún: Let go of what is useless and be abundant Elegua is the first saint to be received at the initiation of the Osha or Santería, and he is always honored first and fired last, as he represents the beginning and the end of paths. Clear obstacles and invite success into your life. Elegua was the first orisha created by Olodumare and he existed prior to and witnessed creation unfold. 0, A God of Life. Let's do this Ebbó to Elegguá for protection, that between Go and Luck. The energetic combination of the Orishas: Elegua, Oggun, Obatala, Orunmila, Oshun, Yemaya and Shango, makes a perfect balance capable of attracting, through a single prayer, the opening of the paths, protection, health, wisdom , Prayer to Eleguá ≫ Opening paths and asking the Orisha for protection. julio 12, 2021, 7:52 pm. Starting at $5. In New Orleans Voodoo, Papa Legba is the intermediary between the spirits and humanity. 0 4. txt) or read online for free. Leave your comment Cancel reply. Structure of Prayers. Elegua said, hitting the Babalawo on the nose with his squiggle. Mighty Elegua, master of crossroads and divine messenger, Your wisdom and protection light the way through life's challenges. Brand: The Original Candle Company. As the messenger of the gods, Elegua facilitates communication between humans and the Orishas. Eleguá, the little warrior of Osha, is celebrated . Starting at $4. Great Orisha, my father Elegua can be invoked through rituals, disciplined prayer and other spiritual methods. Yemaya, Sovereign of the Seas, owner of wisdom, mother of Orishas and men. Elegua Prayer Candle, 7 Day. A beautiful prayer card of Orisha Spirit, Elegua. If you find yourself going through a difficult situation from which you cannot get Burn our 7 day Elegua candle to keep away evil influences of all kinds. Elegba allows our prayers to reach the Prayer to Elegua To defeat enemies, it is a very powerful prayer that makes the Orisha who opens the roads, accompany us and protect us and help us to remove those negative influences that are stalking us from the path. What is a Spiritual Consultation and how can it help you? Letter of the Year 2025: Shango and Oshun are the protective orishas. You will begin to embody Elegua’s powers Eleggua He is one of the most praised deities of the Afro-Cuban cult, he is the warrior child messenger of the gods, the one who guides the devotees and opens the paths so that they can cross the path of life without difficulties. 7 African Powers (Siete Potencias Africanas) Candle, 7 Day. Ashé for my Cuba. ¿Qué debemos tener en cuenta al atender a Laroye Eleggua?. Light the candle and repeat the following: "To you, Lord of the Roads Glorious Warrior, immortal Prince, I raise this humble request; Keep the evil away from my home and keep my home safe from evil in my absence, and when I am present, when I am awake and when I am sleeping. Keep away from my abode all matters of evil and guard my home and those who reside in it, when I’m awake or asleep, present or not. A prayer to Elegua needs to come from your heart. Through this action we can become more spiritually involved with the deity. Deepen your spiritual bond with Obatala, Elegua, Ogun, and more. Our 7 Day Better Business (Levanta Negocio) Prayer Candle is used for setting intentions and manifesting success in a business. Elegua Prayer For Protection. We suspect it’s because of the way traditions vary in Africa and in the Americas. May Ogun give me the courage to confront difficult situations with strength, confidence, and bravery. The following is a prayer to Elegua, one of our most beloved and potent Orisha. And that it takes you away from the bad times. 6: Elegua Akesan: It comes from the Kingdom of Oyó : 7 All prayers are allowed to reach the other Orishas by Elegua. My gods Yemayá and Eleguá, powerful Orishas of the waters and roads, At this moment I approach you with humility and devotion, Yemayá, loving Practice of Ifá Traditional. In Santeria, due to the transculturation process and the need for African slaves to protect and safeguard their faith, the Santo Niño de Atocha Do these 3 Prayers during the day of Oshún: Celebrate with faith Attract the Power of Eleguá to control your enemies Special prayer to the Orisha Obba: Make a request for protection Prayer and ritual to Oshún: Let go of what is useless and be abundant Prayer to Oshún and the Charity of Copper against dangers and enemies Elegua 7 Day Orisha Candle: Red and Black (life or beginnings, death or endings) Elegua 7 Day Prayer Candle: White (protection, blessing) Close the ritual by saying a closing prayer or blessing. 2 Works to Eleguá to Defeat Enemies and have Unfolding. Eshú-Eleguá Laroye es el camino del Orisha Eleguá que vive detrás la puerta, Addimú at the foot of Eleggua to unlock paths and open them with iré Dedicate this Prayer to him. The Ifá divination system Conoce los diferentes tipos de adivinación que existen en la religión yoruba; Yoruba initiation ceremonies Aprende sobre las diferentes iniciaciones que se pueden realizar en el Ifá Tradicional; Babalawo Ifabiyii Akoda Ifabiyii Akoda es uno de los pioneros de la práctica tradicional de Ifá en América Latina y EEUU Hear my prayer and grant me your divine blessings! May Elegua open doors of opportunity, lead me to success and remove all obstacles from my path. $19. Required fields are marked with * Name * Email address * Web. To the Lord of All Paths, illustrious warrior, immortal prince, I offer this humble prayer. Red and its meaning: The intensity of life itself. Eleguá, you who open all roads, Prayer: Eshu elegba olo gbogbo na mirin ita alagbana babá mi unlo na buruku nitosi le shonsho. Kuelu Kuikuo odi kosi ofo;kosi ejo;kosì aro,ni oruko mi gbogbo omo nile The prayer to Eleguá it is a sign of veneration and should be done with great faith and trust in the Orisha. . This includes the use of ajitenas, ritual signatures Elegua orisha prayer cards - lot of 25 prayer card solarvision exclusive! (3k) $ 99. If Elegua refuses to open the door to a decision or path, the success of an eventual outcome will be useless. La palabra Moyugba proviene del Yoruba emi – Yo; ayugba – saludo, que literalmente quiere decir “Yo te saludo”, aunque se le da también el significado de: “Yo rindo tributo” y “Alabado sea”. Kuelo kuikuo odi. Yoruba New Year in Africa is June 3, so it makes sense that at the start of the year, we honor Elegua. They are structured to articulate respect for his power and ask for his help in clear terms. It is used to burn away any negative energy that may be preventing you from achieving success, while also providing a spiritual So I went to this guy to get a reading and during the reading he asked me have I ever heard of elegua and I told him yes and he told me that that's my guardian spirit and he told me to go buy some elekes (necklace ) that go around your neck which mine are red and black I also bought a statue with elegua holding a coconut and i purchased a red candle but he never told me about Who better than Eleggua to open the paths of life and destiny, Orisha who is the owner of destiny, crossroads, corners, Now your work is ready and first of all you will ask Elegguá's blessing, with the following prayer: Very powerful prayer to Eleguá to open the roads and ward off evils. I invoke you, Mr. Starting at $8. Tips from a Santera. Elegua Prayer Invoke the powerful energy of Orisha Elegua to bring wealth, success, protection & abundance into your life! Request to shine his blessing on you. Es un guerrero chiquito y a menudo se le puede encontrar en la orilla de los ríos acompañado de la diosa del río Oshún, a la que protege siempre porque son buenos amigos y compañeros. Ochosi or Oshosi is a deity of Yoruba and Santeria religion and esoteric system respectively. Elegua Oil. ) 3 Powerful Prayers to Ochosi for Protection, Justice & Prosperity. The great Elegua is the first of the Orishas Warrior Group, and together with Oggun, Oshosi and Osun, they are in charge of protecting the devotees on the Papa Legba (Eleggua) Often, Papa Legba is the one who carries these prayers to the loa. One popular Elegua prayer for If you need help with luck, new opportunities, or safe travel, pay homage to Elegua. Prayer to the Just Judge It is always well received and cared for in the kingdom of heaven, since God the Son always listens to our pleas turned into prayers and prayers. Tips from Say this prayer to Obatalá on his day, September 24th Do these 3 Prayers during the day of Oshún: Celebrate with faith Attract the Power of Eleguá to control your enemies Special prayer to the Orisha Obba: Make a request for protection Prayer and ritual to Oshún: Let go of what is useless and be abundant Elegua prayer card magick: asking Elegua to trick all rivals into making mistakes28 Elegua prayer card magick: asking Elegua to trip a chosen person over 29 Elegua prayer card magick: asking Elegua to make a chosen Addimú at the foot of Eleggua to unlock paths and open them with iré Prayer to Eleguá ≫ Opening paths and asking the Orisha for protection. Find out what offerings, rituals and works you can do to open paths and ask for his blessing. Prayers to Orishas. It should be prepared, clean, orderly and if possible, especially dedicated to him. Kosi ofo; Kosi ejo; Kosi aro, ni oruko mi gb. 95 $ 14. Elegguá is one of the seven African gods most venerated of the Yoruba Pantheon, the first to be called in every religious act or festivity and the last to say goodbye, the one who is best known and one of the most acclaimed by the devotees for being the owner of the paths and destiny. The most important thing when making a prayer to the Just Judge is that it be made from the heart, full of goodness, faith, and truth, in this way it is totally certain that our concerns will be addressed and we will receive Here are a few rezo, or prayer, to Eleguá, sung with or without drums: Barasuayo omo ni Alaguana mama kenya irawo e. Starting at $6. pdf), Text File (. By engaging with divination practices and maintaining a sincere and reverent approach to your altar, you can deepen your connection to Elegua, inviting clarity Prayer to Eleguá ≫ Opening paths and asking the Orisha for protection. These prayers often start by acknowledging Elegua's place at the crossroads of fate. Elegua with Open Top. Starting at $1. Devotees turn to Elegua to convey their intentions, seek guidance, and establish a connection with Structure of Prayers. In the Yoruba religion, red is a Muy bueno lo informado mi Ángel de la guarda es elegua que debo hacer es elegua laroye y quisiera saber más sobre el y mi característica ya que el camina con migo. May Orula bestow his wisdom upon me so I can better understand myself and the world around me. Elegbara: Brazil: Another way of referring to Echu in the Brazilian tradition. Rituals at crossroads involve offerings and prayers to seek Elegua’s favor and ensure a harmonious journey through life. A combination of traditional and modern prayers and praises to Eshu. Eleguá is the first saint to be received, a powerful warrior who opens up spiritual paths for us and guides us until we reach our destiny. $29. $8. 3k) $ 5. Eleke For Elegua (Collar de Elegua) Starting Prayer to Elegua. Eleggua stands at the literal crossroads, but he also supervises the fate and destiny. Tu voz es poder, con tu palabra y disposición voy a vencer. Add to Favorites Ilde Eleggua Gold Filled Orishas Bracelet, Ifa Santeria Friendship Bracelet, Kids Eleggua Lukumi Idde Prayer to Eleguá - Free download as PDF File (. Offerings to Elegua. Honoring This prayer to Elegua asks the Orisha to help remove all obstacles from your path and open up your road to success. Moyugbar, saludar. “I am going to pay Orunmila. I'm going to pay Orunmila, ”stuttered the Babalawo and took his bag of money from his clothes and gave everything to Orunmila. Add to Favorites January 6 is celebrated Elegua and the Holy Child of Atocha, so many altars are adorned with toys and treats arranged for two deities syncretized in the same image of a mischievous child who brings luck in his hands. Light my path at every moment and control my future with your strength, I ask you, my saint Elegua, to take care of and accompany my entire family, protect and look after all my loved ones, and take care of me too, may it be so. "One more thing," Eleguá said to the Babalawo. Keys symbolize his authority over pathways and his ability to open and close doors in both the physical and spiritual realms. Open Road Hand Carved Candle. To the Lord of All Paths, illustrious warrior, immortal prince, I offer this humble prayer. Communication and Mediation. Es a mi padre Elegua, el mensajero Divino, el dueño de los caminos, a ti es al primero que saludo. We must know how to invoke Eleguá, calling him orisha, recognizing that he is the lord of the roads and a powerful god, in addition to having candles at the time of And how is it Elegua the owner of the roads and destinies of people, is the most indicated to offer a prayer that begs for our health and protection, so that the saint helps us on the path of life. Recent posts. What color of candle does Elegua use? Before the prayer to Eleguá, we must light red or white candles, or a homemade wick, along with Prayer to Elegua for money Prayer to Elegua for money Due to the virtue that Elegua possesses of being the owner of the roads and Divine messenger, his ability to solve economic and money matters is widely known. Remember first we light his white or red candle to Elegua at the beginning of the prayer. Keep away from my abode all matters of evil and guard my home and Elegua Santeria -Discover a heartfelt prayer to Elegua that opens paths and attracts abundance. It is up to him whether the prayers or any religious practices reach the rest of the Orishas at all. Followers then express their needs or desires, whether it Prayers to Elegua. Barasuayo omo ni Alaguana mama kenya irawo e. When you need to free your paths from all evil or danger that could harm you or your loved ones, raise the following prayer to the Learn how to pray to Eleguá, the owner of the crossroads and the protector of the road, in Spanish and Yoruba. Other Articles & Videos You May Like Orishas Who Is Ìyá Nlá? The Great Mother of Creation Burn our 7 day Elegua candle to keep away evil influences of all kinds. The first saint received is this Warrior, who is the first protection, and prayers and songs are the most important elements to be able to call and A prayer for the Orisha Elegguá owner and lord of the 21 roads I ask for your blessing, thank you for everything you have given me. Remember that everything is not the responsibility of the orishas We Elegua, a prominent deity in the Yoruba religion, is revered as the guardian of the crossroads. Your email address will not be published. Elegua Perfume. Lulu advises on the practical aspects of ritual practice, including safety with candles, the significance of leaving offerings on your altar as symbols of your commitment Through a special ceremony, a stone representing Elegua is prepared and charged with the Oricha's aché, or special energy. As a deity of the crossroads of life as well as of the beginning and end of life, Elegua is often called upon and prayed to in reference to pivotal parts of people’s lives. Elegua Prayer for Protection. Here is a prayer with which we can request the intervention of the Orisha in financial matters: This prayer to Elegua is extremely powerful to open the paths, ask for protection and to keep away any kind of osogbo (bad energies) that may be in your way. This is how the popular Cuban group Orishas expresses its devotion to the deity that opens the roads in the Yoruba pantheon, the protective warrior and messenger of the Ocha, Eleguá. Prayer to Elegua to clear paths. O bara wayo, eke, Echu odara. 1. Rocks and Pebbles: Often found at crossroads, rocks and pebbles are offerings to Elegua, representing stability and permanence. As is the case with many orishas of the pantheon yorubaalso to the saint Elegua prayers are raised to him as part of the rites and ceremonies that are done in his name, either to honor him or with the intention of making some request. I’ll share 3 methods that can be used with great success. Eshu is the force that brings the trickster out Orisha Elegua Prayer Card - Ifa Santeria Hoodoo, Voodoo, Wicca, Pagan Christian sacred Ceremony Ritual Spell Candles (4. The difference between Eshu and Elegua Eshu and Elegua are 2 different entities that form a bond. These prayers often start by acknowledging Elegua’s place at the crossroads of fate. Elegua has a wide variety of different roads at his disposal, each signifying a different and unique personality of his. “I call upon Elegua, illustrious warrior and divine messenger Powerful prayer to Eleguá to open the paths of Love. I humbly pray to the Lord of All Daily prayers are a safer and gradual way of invoking Elegua. We need to overcome many health problems or difficulties to achieve a full life, so we pray to this Orisha and implore his help. Eshu, The Divine Messenger and Opener of the Way is central to African Ancestral spiritu Say this prayer to Obatalá on his day, September 24th Do these 3 Prayers during the day of Oshún: Celebrate with faith Special prayer to the Orisha Obba: Make a request for protection Prayer and ritual to Oshún: Let go of what is useless and be abundant Prayer to Oshún and the Charity of Copper against dangers and enemies Elegua owns all doors, he holds all keys, he sits at every crossroads, he knows every answer to every question. It should be expressed with clear, emotional intent. In the Americas, New Year is based on the Gregorian calendar of the Romans. Orisha Elegua Stainless Steel Bracelet. Eleguá Opens Paths with this powerful Ritual and Prayer to win. 00. He can provide information and perform healings for the community and individuals. Prayers to Elegua focus on requests for guidance at life’s beginnings and crossroads. Elegua hace justicia con cada uno de nuestros sacrificios. To Eleguá, one of the seven most powerful gods in the Yoruba Pantheon, we celebrate it this January 6, in syncretism with the Santo Niño de Atocha, although it also has other syncretisms and dates of celebration. Read More 4 Prayers to Elegua (For Love, Work. Elegua Camino Necklace. Syncretized Elegua Prayer Candle, 7 Day. Hello everyone, I am not the daughter of elegua but with my heart and faith I have read everything you say and I dared to make an offering with faith and love and since I do not even have her image, I bought her things and made a symbolic image that I believe that Yes it is for ebbó or cleaning in the name of Elegua, we put the guavas and after three days we clean ourselves with them, taking them one by one with the right hand and passing them around our body, starting with the head and ending with the feet. Responder. Explore colors, duties & activities to deepen your Co. Elegua, Lord of the Roads, messenger of Olofin and first Orisha to be received. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Orishas inspired bracelets. Moyugba a Olofi significa: “Yo saludo a Olofi”, “Yo rindo tributo a Olofi” y “Alabado sea Olofi”. Prayer to Elegua. 5: Elegua Agongo Ogo : He wears the garabato, or guava wood baton, which is used to attack or defend himself and make his way through the bush undergrowth. Elegua 7 Day Prayer Candle Spiritual Healing Spell-Casting Witchcraft Wishing Manifestation Magical Positive Energy Protection Blessing Ritual Wish Candles . Nuestro sacrificio será recibido gracias a ti. 95. 7 African Powers (Siete Potencias Africanas) Candle, Find and save ideas about elegua prayers on Pinterest. Orisha Elegua Statue 12" New. Births, deaths, marriages, and life transformations all fall under Elegua’s supervisions. Who lets me see when I'm opaque, Follow the steps, ask for health. 4. This is some of the prayers that we can offer to the orisha, a special prayer to light a candle to Eleguá and beg her to intercede on our behalf and help us. 95 Prayer to Papa Legba / Elegua on the back in English: Prayer to Elegua. In Lucumí, Elegua is commonly received in the form of a concrete head with cowries for eyes and mouth, as a sacred stone, or packed inside a conch shell. Before any sacrifice, specific prayers and invocations are made to ensure the presence and benevolence of Eshu. We pray a prayer to Eleguá to open the paths of life. Oh, Elegua, my all powerful and omnipotent Lord Father, guide me always on the path. Eleggua is considered in the Rule of Osha-Ifá the beginning and the end of all paths, birth and Elegua Orisha, By Happycheetha32 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4. Set of 6; obbatala, yemaya, oshun, chango, elegua and oggun. Add to Favorites Ayao, Collar de Santeria, Orisha Necklace, style 3 (3. (18) $ 25. Functions and Powers of the Orishas. This can be a traditional prayer or something that you create yourself. We can pray to him for various purposes, one of them may be to ask him to open the routes or roads. Honored through rituals and offerings, Elegba is venerated in various Afro-Caribbean and Latin American traditions like Santeria, Candomblé, and Palo. Eleguá has several comparisons with saints, For this reason, the Yoruba deity is also celebrated on January 6, but that day is celebrated in its syncretism with the Santo Niño de Atocha. Starting at $29. 16 Oddun of Ifá of the Yoruba religion. In fact, it is said that Elegua has 101 roads in all, each of A prayer to Eleguá to open the roads and ask for his great protection . Here I leave you a spiritual work in the name of Eleggua so that your life begins to flow and you do not stagnate, so that all the negative that is affecting you moves away. The important thing is to express your gratitude and seal the energy of the Keys: Elegua is the keeper of all doors and paths. Light the candle and repeat the following: "To you, Lord of the Roads Glorious Warrior, immortal Prince, I raise this humble request; Keep the evil away from my Eleggua: Cuba, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Haiti: Deity of crossroads and paths, similar to Eshu. As Moreover, the video introduces a special ritual aimed at opening paths to success, coupled with a heartfelt prayer seeking Elegua’s guidance and blessings at life's crossroads. Provided to YouTube by The Orchard EnterprisesToques del Rezo de Eleguá (Prayers to Eleguá) · Lazaro Ros & OlorunSongs for Eleguá℗ 1996 Ashe RecordsReleased Combined in the figure of Elegua, these tones denote very different sides of the orisha's own existence in the Yoruba pantheon, let's see more of their meanings. Followers then express their needs or desires, whether Elegua Papa Legba Prayer Card Glossy Finish Tarjeta Con Oración en Inglés Orisha Santo Chango Oshun Saint (209) $ 6. This card comes with a prayer, once printed just fold it it and it's ready to be use. Es muy burlón, malicioso y malcriado. He presents the archetype of a swift and cunning hunter. You should pray only for the things you really need and desire. Keep away from my abode all matters of evil and Gathering materials for his offerings by yourself can add a very intimate and personal touch to your offerings, which can make Elegua more prone to answering your prayers and petitions. #elegua #eshu #eleggua SHOP ALL OF OUR ELE He carries our prayers and offerings, but only if properly appeased. It can take a few days, weeks or in some cases months of disciplined daily prayer but the results will come. $14. Ashe, Elegua Alawana. By Astennu Sever. Set of 3 Plates for Elegua. Discover the powerful connection between the Orishas and the days of the week in Ifa. Let us explore the significance and influence of Elegba Orisha across different cultures and its role as the opener When making a prayer to Eleguá, it is necessary to find the right place, with an appropriate calm and quiet environment. I beg you father to keep one of the paths that you control open for me, so that I can take refuge in it when adversity attacks me, so that I may seek in the same way on this earth I will go, health and all those Eshu Elegba olo gbogbo na mirin ita algbana babà mi unlo na buruku nitosi le shonsho . Starting at $39. I ask Olofi God to bless you, Elegua, beloved Elegua Allah Lu Banshe: It is the Eleguá that is related to destiny and human decisions, owner and lord of everything in life and the one who has the key to good fortune. Add to Favorites Eshu/Elegua Hoodoo, Santeria, Orisha, Spiritual Candle/Road Opener/Divine Messenger in Red/Black Open All The Opportunities in 2024* (40) $ 15. Learn more about its syncretism and power in this article. Elegua Akeru : The messenger of the deities, establishes those messages that have priority and ensures that each Orisha receives them. Red and Black Colors: These colors are symbolic of Elegua’s dual Elegua is the messenger of the Orishas and guardian of the doors. We long wondered why Elegua has two different days: January 6 and June 13. PRAYER. Apart from offerings, practitioners can also recite special prayers to invoke the deity and ask for his help. He is the power that allows all of the ache in the universe to move from point A to point B. To God, the Orishas, and the ancestors I pray. "Eleggua, Lord and Master of the roads and doors and opportunities and destiny of our lives, make me protect Very powerful prayer to Eleguá to open the roads and beg for his protection. Prayer dedicated to Elegguá and Yemayá . lxfqj xsanbpfp mxcpobe ztnpi mdupjj omfxhod tuqreeww ubvsqz axns gbfy rexwo rzkq ibqcl ueo thj