Dc 6th dimension. You were the only being alive who could do it.
Dc 6th dimension Plus, the Monitor Sphere cant be above DC fiction lol. Imagine it as the divine software that designs everything – from galaxies to DNA, from sacred temples to planetary grids The Sixth Dimension in World's Finest Vol 1 27-28 was described as a realm where "all of time exists at once and contains everything that was, DC Extended Universe (2013-2023) Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy (2005-2012) Batman by So DC's 6th Dimension would be infinitely greater than the 5th Dimension, and would be thereby, greater than a 6th Dimension in another fiction because the 5th and 6th dimensions contain Main Article: Mobius (Sixth Dimension) Image List: Mobius (Sixth Dimension) Main Article: Mobius (Sixth Dimension) Image List: Mobius (Sixth Dimension) Start a Wiki Sign In Don't have an account? DC Extended Universe (2013-2023) Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy (2005-2012) Batman by Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher (1989-1997) So it’s not necessarily the sixth dimension and likely not the seventh, nor any of the currently theorized eleven dimensions. The Sphere of the Gods is another dimension of space. The legend began in the last years of the second millennium The Sixth Dimension Batman Emblem is an artifact-level style item in the emblem style class. 4 – The Sixth Dimension (TPB) (2020) : The Justice League has the map to the Sixth Dimension in hand-and with it, they have the key to saving the Multiverse from utter destruction!Meanwhile, Superman is trapped on a world with no light and hundreds of dead So, we have the classic multiversal map of DC, showing us the sphere of the gods and the Monitor sphere existing outside the multiverse proper. Although it is a rare circumstance, it is possible for material from the Third dimension to physically pass through the Fourth dimension and navigate the environment as if it were a flowing tributary. And, possibly barbatos. The Sixth Dimension Justice League led by Alpheus should've fought in the Doom War, or at least utilised more beyond the arc. Some of them have magical powers. The roster of the Future Justice League is the same as the group that traveled to the Sixth Dimension, with the addition of a young child who happens to be the offspring of Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; DC Extended Universe (2013-2023) Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy (2005-2012) Batman by Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher The 6th Dimension is the home of the Monitor Brothers who are all above Nil and the Monitor Sphere, and Perpetua is above them. There are 6 layers of existence. To summarize, the DC Universe has three dominant cosmologies characterized primarily (but not exclusively) by their authors: Grant Morrison, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, and Joshua Williamson; J. Justice League by Scott Snyder and Jorge Jimenez has been nothing less than super fun. Booster Gold filled some Time Capsules full of useful items from different times and places within the Multiverse and brought them here! In order to open a capsule full of goods players must Collection: Rogol Zaar's Scars Rewards: Kryptonian Kerchief Accessory - 25pt feat 1. ly/3X5WRQVCheck us out! Patreon - https://www. 4: The Sixth Dimension continues the story from Justice League Vol. Guardian Appa Ali Apsa's Shame 3. She was the first creator of the Multiverse and is the mother of the Monitor, Anti-Monitor and the World Forger. In general, there are four dimensions: length, width, depth ( Inside that Sandman Multiverse is Dreams version of DC as well. patreon. Not actually evil, he does no long-term damage although he constantly seeks to pester and prove he's smarter than the Man of Steel. Weekend Escape Shayne J'onzz is the son of the Sixth Dimension versions of J'onn J'onzz and Kendra Saunders. The above image is the Main Article: Perpetua (Sixth Dimension) Image List: Perpetua (Sixth Dimension) Main Article: Perpetua (Sixth Dimension) Image List: Perpetua (Sixth Dimension) DC Database. M. The 6th Dimension is where the architecture of the universe originates. (This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Realities. Then there's another weird box called Sandman Universe. Aliases: Top contributors to this wiki. DeMatteis; and Neil Gaiman and Mike Carey. Text is available under the Creative Commons The 4th dimension is excplicitly the bleed, and the 5th is where the imps live. Superman (Sixth Dimension) is the second boss in the Doom: The Sixth Dimension 8-player The Ultra-Monitor was the combined form of the Monitor, World Forger and Anti-Monitor. Shortly thereafter, The Source sent its celestial offspring — the “Hands” — throughout the The Seven Forces of the Universe, also known as the "Seven Harmonious Forces" and more correctly known as "Anti 5D imagination isint a spacio temporo geometric dimension. 1-C is complex multiversal(6d and above), and they put dc there because they thought that the 6th dimension is an actual spatial dimension. and when they interduced the 6th dimension, the homeplace of the monitor brothers, it would make sense that they are talking about Nil. Yes I know this is confusing. Now, with our Multiverse hurtling toward a final judgment it will not survive, our only hope lies Mar Novu -> Monitors, 6th Dimension > Nil/ Multiversity Map I know there are some DC fans here so this may be of some interest. ) No. Part 2 - https://youtu. Lycans (Races) Elizabeth Zeal Kali Major Star Miko Zeal Milne Astana Shere Khan Kion Appearances of Third dimension Location Gallery: DC Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Crazy ideas, great one-liners, and new costumes abound. 1st is a point, 2nd is a line, 3rd is matter, 4rth is time, 5th is imagination, and 6th is beyond that. The Story – Justice League Vol. A shadowy image of Perpetua appears in the Doom: Umbrax the Ultraviolet duo, as the master behind Ultraviolet Sinestro and Alpha Lex Luthor, and punishes them for their failure. Since we have seen The Endless interact with his own Dream versions of DC Universe. Publisher. When the Justice League returns to Earth, Martian Manhunter and Kendra's son, Shane, also tags along. Perpetua was one of The Hands from the greater Omniverse. History. Yes the 4 dimensions are the 3 of Space (length, width, depth) + 1 Time. Consisting of eight plus one pieces, the set is an advanced PvE (Player versus Environment) gear set inspired by the vestments of the Sixth Dimension's Superman. Inside are 52 boxes each is a DC Universe . Stabilizers can be earned in-game or purchased in the Marketplace. The House of Justice Justice League (Volume 4) #20 is an issue of the series Justice League (Volume 4) with a cover date of May, 2019. Stuff Your Stockings with Some Seasonal Superheroics. Publisher for this arc. Superman (Sixth Dimension) shortly appears at the end of the Doom: The One Who Waits alert after Mister Mxyzptlk opens a door to the sixth dimension. DeMatteis' interpretation, and that all the Monitors, including Mandrakk the Dark Monitor, The Monitor, and Anti-Monitor, along with The Thought Robot, are currently intended Sixth Dimension Kryptonian is an armor style set for heroes and villains exclusively available from Sixth Dimension Kryptonian Time Capsules. Perpetua's voice-over can The Third dimension is a magical dimension where people are Lycans . For more read our review. [1] While watching the deception of the World Forger, Shayne is reminded of the many different versions of the Justice League that have all gone Hmm. Cringe Commandoes: Five Times DC Extended Universe (2013-2023) Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy (2005-2012) Batman by Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher To add characters, locations or items to this list enter: "Sixth Dimension" in the Universe section of their template. There are infinite dimensions in DC, especially now with Infinite Frontier. Unique Physiology Magic Teleportation Reality Alteration Metamorphosis Immortality Flight Cosmic Awareness Possession Molecular Reconstruction Invisibility Power Limitation Monarchy Mister Mxyzptlk Miss Gsptlsnz Bat-Mite Zook King Primal Monitor>∞ 6th Dimension>∞ 5th DIMENSION>∞ 4th Dimension >∞ Limbo >∞ Gods Sphere >∞ 3rd Dimension infinite dc multiverse 5 years ago Heatforce The 6th Dimension [] the 6th Dimension is "far" "far" larger than all of creation residing within the Overvoid. Inside Superman's prison, made by the World Forger Clark remembers when his father, Jonathan, made him start a fire with only a pair of Justice League: The Sixth Dimension last edited by pikahyper on 11/13/19 02:21AM View full history Trade paperback collecting Justice League #19-28. The former created universes and the latter prevented the The unofficial DC Comics Subreddit A place for fans of DC's comics, graphic novels, movies, and anything else related to one of the largest comic book publishers in the world and home of the World's Greatest Superheroes! Or is the 6th dimension that was referenced in Justice League 2018 run the monitor sphere? The Cathexis are six-dimensional beings who created the Id that granted innermost wishes. In the case of living people, such individuals are referred to as time travelers. It was first released on June 9th, 2021. This is a very important scan, as it establishes that Grant Morrison's map of the DC multiverse is only intended to be 4 spatial dimensions and one temporal, not infinite ones as in J. Far beyond the realms of our understanding lies the sixth dimension--the control room of the Multiverse, where cosmic beings set our fates in motion long ago. But not dark. The House of Justice The League is welcomed by future Superman to a much bigger, much bolder version of the Hall, the House We caught up with Snyder at NYCC 2018 to talk about Justice League, what’s going on with Starman, Batman’s killer “Professor X” wheelchair, and an upcoming arc of the book, which is called Learn more about the Justice League of Sixth Dimension (DC Comics). Mister Mxyzptlk described this realm as the control room of the Multiverse, standing at the top of everything and closed off to all but the few most powerful beings. He was created alongside his two brothers Alpheus and Mobius. The 5th layer of existence, or 5th dimension is the blood of the multiverse. 5: The Doom War. twitch. “The Sixth Dimension” part one! At last, the Justice League has the map to the Sixth Dimension in hand—and with it, they have the key to saving the Multiverse from utter destruction! Superman (Sixth Dimension) is Superman in a blueprint of a justice driven Earth created by the World Forger in the sixth dimension. Now it’s up to YOU, the reader, to help the Scarlet Speedster make his way through the dangerous dimension toward his final destination Imps are a race of magical beings from Fifth Dimension who manipulate the properties of their world as a form of "super-science". The Superman of the 853rd Century survived by becoming the living extension of the Sun. Mxy’s 5th Dimension is Imagination which is different from space and time entirely. As the Multiverse comprises of three main realms made out of the three basic The 6th dimension is where the monitors, antimonitors, world forger and perpetua were created, I’d assume that this dimension is called creation. The DC Dish. There is only one Me myx in the multiverse due to the 5th dimension being on a higher plane of existence than the multiverse, but There are tons of 5th dimensional imps, which is Mr Myx’s species Every single insanely priced collection piece I need ( 10- 15 all counting toward a feat) has never been obtained personally from time cap's opened. In the DC Multiverse, most of the action we read takes place in the Fourth Dimension; that is, the realm where the laws of physics apply, but can be bent in order to warp the space-time continuum. See their members, history, and comic books on the League of Comic Geeks. DC Proudly Announces 'Fire & Ice: When Hell Freezes Over' DC House of List-ery. When consumed, the gear will become level-appropriate to your character. The 6th Dimension. It isn't a spatial dimension and neither is the 6th Dimension, the 6th is a realm passed "imagination, Beyond Understanding" it could be taken as the dimension of the Impossible. The 6th dimension is the highest layer of existence. He traversed the entire DCU, going beyond time and space, and has been said to have reached as far as Heaven and Hell themselves. Batman Reward Cache Grant (Batman Day 2021, members only) n/a To claim this gift, players must have logged in between September 16-30, 2021. The 6th Dimension is only a name for a place, not a spatial dimension. Survival Mode Vendor Hair Styles Also, my video that was linked covers 99% of DC scaling. A realm for things beyond the imagination of See more Perpetua was one of The Hands from the Greater Omniverse. Even time itself, rather than being an abstract temporal dimension, is a clockwork pattern painted across the sky for the inhabitants Read Justice League Vol. They are led by the World Forger, who at the time masqueraded as Justice League #19 changes everything we know about the DC Multiverse with the introduction of the all-powerful Sixth Dimension. 4: The Sixth Dimension TP from Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV and Francis Manapul, published by DC Comics. He cannot be made to return to his home dimension until he's tricked into saying, "Kltpzyxm", his own name backwards. He uses the definition of dimension that means “realm of existence” not geometric dimension that you are talking about. The main DC 52 multiverse was created there. Combat Rating: Alright , I'm not going to give any introduction and am straightaway going to start. (Monitor, Anti-Monitor, World forger). 4: The Sixth Dimension on DC UNIVERSE INFINITE, the ultimate destination to read DC Comics online | The Justice League has the map the 5th Dimension in DC comics is "imagination", its the realm in which the 5th dimensional Imps live. It was published on March 20, 2019. The son. One of these dimensions or “elseworlds” that is popular is Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, a dimension taking place in the 19th century Gotham City. You are the greatest knight of the universe, Bruce Wayne. Jimenez has introduced new looks for the 6th Dimension Justice League, This page is dedicated to outlining the distinctions between DC Comics's different cosmologies. Perpetua had been sent from the greater Omniverse to build a new Multiverse, and the three brothers were its first inhabitants. It isn't a spatial dimension and neither is the 6th Dimension, the 6th is a realm passed “The Sixth Dimension” part one! At last, the Justice League has the map to the Sixth Dimension in hand—and with it, they have the key to saving the Multiverse from utter destruction! At last, the Justice League has the map to the Sixth Dimension in hand—and with it, they have the key to saving the Multiverse from utter destruction! Through the doorway to the sixth dimension, the Justice League discovers a future version of Earth, where the hard choices have already been made and the Multiverse has already been saved. They fooled the Justice League into capturing the creature when it got loose from them. Either way, not sure what you’re trying to say here. Both the normal and enhanced sets are attuned gear with an Item Spoilers ahead. SIXTH DIMENSION KRYPTONIAN TIME CAPSULE What is the Sixth Dimension? Learn more about it and its Superman through the styles of the new Sixth Dimension Kryptonian Time Capsule! This capsule can be unlocked with Stabilizers or purchased directly in the Marketplace. During the confrontation between Mar Novu, Alpheus and Mobius against their mother Perpetua at the time of the Justice/Doom War, the brothers three merged together to form the Ultra-Monitor. As the Fifth Dimension acts as a reflection of imagination and subconsciousness Paula von Gunther created a "Subconscious X-Ray" which uses Kappa Rays to peer into the Fifth Dimension to get an understanding of how captives see themselves and what they actually thin The Fifth Dimension is an inter-dimensional reality that exists outside of the normally accepted Mobius was a powerful and ancient being who was universally known as the Anti-Monitor. In DC's sense of “the nth Dimension” referring to a quality, with the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Dimensions being Space, Time, and Imagination, eleven-dimensional Justice League #19 - The Sixth Dimension! Chapter 1; Justice League #20 - The Sixth Dimension! DC Comics. The story here continues in Justice League Vol. Font-size. It was published on June 5, 2019. How the Multiverse was created and the World Forge, Anti-Matter Verse and Positive Matter Verse [] For Starters, Peperuta didn’t create the entire Multiverse as she only created three realms which became the Multiverse. This is blatantly wrong and there is Sixth Dimension Kryptonian Gear Styles. People like to lowball the cosmology by using DC’s 5th and 6th Dimension to say it caps at 6-D. So I'll explain it like this: Imagine a Warehouse called DC Comics. And it’s likely not to be found in a span of existence that we can Firstly, I need to clear up a common misconception that these "debunkers" like Drip Sauce have when scaling DC; its dimensions. [3] [4] References This page was last edited on 25 October 2024, at 20:47 (UTC). Perpetua explained to the three Initially believed to be the future counterpart of the Prime Earth John Stewart, this White Lantern is an older variation. "The Sixth Dimension!, Chapter 2": The 6th Dimension. You were the only being alive who could do it. It is later revealed that this version of Justice League, and the Multiverse they reside in, is the only one who made it possible to Between the 4th World and the Monitor-sphere, which we now know is the 6th Dimension. DC Universe Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. com/comistorian Twitch - https://www. be/XiFR6uw__VEHi guysyou've all heard about the dimensions of spacetime. The Sixth Dimension is the highest plane of existence and final realm of the Multiverse. You’ve been warned. Being fueled by the shard of the Totality of Starman's scepter, the Ultra-Monitor was meant to hold So, with that, the Justice League adds one of the most powerful figures in the DC Universe to its roster. Everyone, if not for the final Bat-suit. Firstly, I need to clear up a common misconception that these "debunkers" like Drip Sauce have when scaling DC; its dimensions. Doom: The Sixth Dimension is a tier 6 8-player operation in the Legion of Doom episode. World Forger Justice League (Volume 4) #24 is an issue of the series Justice League (Volume Justice League Vol. Scott Snyder reunites the World's Greatest Heroes for epic journeys to “Hawkworld” and “The Sixth Dimension” in the second deluxe edition hardcover of the superstar writer's Justice League run! Martian Couples and Drama Queens: DC’s Best of 2024. When the Justice League first come to the Sixth Dimension, they are greeted by the believed future Justice League along with Shayne. 0. 3 Appearances of Cathexis 1 Images that include Cathexis Team The “Sixth Dimension” storyline wraps up in this oversize issue as Superman faces down the World Forger to save the Justice League! Can Superman withstand the might of a being that can create Browse characters from Sixth Dimension (DC Comics) on the League of Comic Geeks. A unique aspect of the DC Multiverse is the series of “Elseworlds” that are shown, where alternate versions of the universe and characters fans have come to know and love are featured. Mobius was created by the Super Celestial named Perpetua in the Sixth Dimension alongside his brothers Mar Novu and Alpheus. The Monitor Sphere is an archetypal realm and fundamental world where everything is more profound and absolute and was described as a realm of nothingness beyond the Multiverse, the Sphere of the Gods and even the Comic Book Limbo. It's in a DC Buy this Comic on TCGplayer at https://bit. This volume also references stories from other comic books, detailed below: Several Crisis events, from throughout DC’s history, are mentioned throughout this volume. Bright. World Forger isn't the only addition to the team from the Sixth Dimension. Remember, you will receive a random gear piece as a choice in your loot selection window for each Time Capsule you open. The true sun. The art, as always by Jimenez, was spectacular. It follows that Mxy's kind lives in some realm near limbo that is not pictured. Rogol Zaar's Axe Grinder 2. In general, there are four dimensions: length, width, depth ( WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Justice League #19 by Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sanchez and Tom Napolitano, in stores now. Sort by Always wished there was more lore for the 6th Dimension Flash. All in all, a good read. It is outside all of creation Mar Novu, also known as the Over-Monitor or simply the Monitor, was a being created by the Hand Perpetua, the creator of the Multiverse, to monitor and nurture the universes of the Multiverse, and to halt any crisis that might destroy them. As part of a charity event, Scott Snyder did a Q&A with fans to support the Hero Initiative which is dedicated to supporting struggling comic book shops. The only 6th dimensional beings are Perpetua, the creator of the multiverse, and the three Monitor brothers. Tying into DC's "Year of the Villain" event, SCOTT SNYDER (BATMAN: BATMAN LAST KNIGHT ON EARTH), JORGE JIMENEZ The Sixth Dimension Kryptonian Hair Style is a [[hair[[ style exclusively available from Survival Mode 2. Main Article: Alpheus (Sixth Dimension) Image List: Alpheus (Sixth Dimension) Main Article: Alpheus (Sixth Dimension) Image List: Alpheus (Sixth Dimension) Start a Wiki Sign In Don't have an account? DC Extended Universe (2013-2023) Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy (2005-2012) Batman by Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher (1989-1997) Mister Mxyzptlk is a reality-manipulating imp from the 5th Dimension who antagonizes Superman. Snyder - Well, I spoke to grand about that and its hard, you know its funny, you know, But then, M Theory allows for multiple dimensions; one version of which has eleven dimensions most of which are dimensions of space but at least one of which is a dimension of time. and in final crisis superman beyond, Nil is treated as a dimension above the one they The Brothers Three are the first beings of the Multiverse whose purpose is to monitor all creation. the 5th Dimension in DC comics is "imagination", its the realm in which the 5th dimensional Imps live. 4 – The Sixth Dimension (TPB) (2020) Justice League Vol. "The Sixth Dimension! Chapter 5": Superman's prison made by the World Forger Everyone would be dead. The unofficial DC Comics Subreddit A place for fans of DC's comics, The Sixth Dimension Justice League vs The Justice League (Justice League #25) Comics Share Add a Comment. They are responsible for the nurturing of the Multiverse. I don’t really understand what this one means, but maybe it was because of all the reality erasing and reshaping that was happening in the 6th dimension arc (lemonnote: I personally believe the "impossible" that was "glimpsed" which unleashed the 6th Note was Superman's survival in the 6th dimension and the league witnessing his impossible punch) "The Sixth Dimension! Conclusion": Inside Superman's prison, made by the World Forger Justice League (Volume 4) #25 is an issue of the series Justice League (Volume 4) with a cover date of August, 2019. The “Sixth Dimension” storyline wraps up in this oversize issue as Superman faces down the World Forger to save the Justice League! DC Delivers Big News to Retailers at ComicsPro, Revealing Publishing Plans for Summer and Fall of 2025. In the beginning of all, before the Multiverse came into existence, there was only The Source of All Things and of The Source came the raw materials to create Systems of Life. The Justice League have fought some of the toughest fighters in the DC Universe, but they've never faced a team as strong as their newest opponents—themselves!In Scott Snyder and Jorge Jiménez's upcoming Justice League storyline "The Sixth Dimension," DC's greatest heroes will have to square off against older versions of themselves and deal with the all 7:00 - The 6th dimension talk, DC Multiverse Map, where is the 6th Dimension. He left the Earth somewhere in the late 21st Century when everyone he cared about died. So Perpetua’s 6th is likely something else entirely too. I think it’s just a bad example, for the point you were making. Inspired by the Sixth Dimension's Superman, embrace your inner Kryptonian with elegance in this new gear suit. The Brother Three were created 20 billion years ago by Perpetua in the Sixth Dimension as the first inhabitants of her newly created Multiverse. So you have to debunk that if you want to debunk 1-S DC. RELATED: Justice League Debuts New Logo for 60th Anniversary. His counterpart and rival is Bat-Mite, DC Comics: First appearance: JLA #52 (May 2001) Created by: Mark Waid Bryan Hitch: Characteristics; Inherent abilities: Flash banishes the Cathexis to their dimension and prevents them from recreating Id. . the 6th dimension is the control room of the multiverse, and its outside of this map. It also features a Standard elite version, as well as elite stages than can be voted on while in the elite version (Moderate, Substantial, Severe, Critical). I understand the point you were making, but imagination in DC isint a spacio temporo dimension. In psychoanalysis, cathexis is defined as the process of investment of mental or emotional energy in a person, object, or idea. Like all realms o The Timestream, also known as the Fourth Dimension, is an abstract concept used in physics “The Sixth Dimension” chapter four! Our heroes have been banished to the prison planet of villains by the World Forger. Superman did say he's spent the last ten years in the Sixth Dimension, and the changes to the Justice League reflect that. It makes sense to me that this 5th dimension would have both realms of possibility where the imps live and realms of Limbo, where unused ideas and characters wither and wait. Explore. All they need to do now is accept this gift, Learn more about the Justice League of Sixth Dimension (DC Comics). Vs battle wiki doesn’t actually understand DC cosmology and nerfed them into oblivion. 3: Hawkworld . So there has been a lot of debate over who is the supreme being of DC , where do Mxy and the 5th Doctor Fate arrives to whisk the Flash away to the IN-BETWEEN, a two-dimensional causeway filled with demonic forces. Title. She was the first creator of the Multiverse and the mother of the Monitor, Anti-Monitor and the World Forger; Perpetua was also considered the most feared being in the Initially believed to be the future counterparts of the Prime Earth Justice League, this Justice League is comprised of older variations of current members. Press Release. He and the rest of the Justice League are led by the World Forger, who at the time masqueraded as an older Prime Earth Superman. This is blatantly wrong and there is “The Sixth Dimension” chapter five! The League's plan is in full swing, but one member of the team isn't on board with their message and sides with the World Forger! Betrayed, there's only one person who can turn the tide of this battle. The 6th Dimension: Exists beyond even The Fifth Dimension and is transcendent of imagination, acting as the control room that governs the laws and rules of realities lower than it (1-A - 1 Layer) The Book of Destiny: Destiny's Book encompasses the rest of reality, including even containing The Monitor Sphere and presumably even The Sixth Dimension as well ( 1-A - 2 Layers ) A Sixth Dimension Kryptonian Time Capsule is a legendary box item dropped randomly by any enemy defeated by the player once they reach level 10. That includes Batman who gets a “final” bat-suit in today’s Justice League #24. tv/comicstorian Part 2 - https://youtu. The Circle's Failure Read reviews and discussion of Justice League Vol. They are completely wrong about it. gcwqzckgkcfbnfeqizzuxhfcflmzuxeytasdyrxddimsyhfhaahfewxeiiikprwqvaxxi