Claremont city council With 1,233 votes (76%), incumbent Mayor Sal Medina is cruising to an easy victory in District 5, outpacing challenger Kingoro Onami, who has 382 (24%). Jared Sultze has been the Mayor since January 2025. The Claremont City Council is composed of five members consisting of the mayor and four councilmembers. the next regular meeting of the claremont city council will be held on, march 11, 2025, at 6:30 pm, in the claremont council chamber, 225 west second street, claremont, ca 91711. Mayor Jared Sultze. (KTTC) – Claremont City Council has appointed Council Member Ryan Hedberg as the interim mayor during Tuesday’s meeting. Applicants interested in serving on a Commission, the Public Art Incumbent Mayor Pro Tem Corey Calaycay, 54, is aiming to hold onto his Claremont City Council District 1 seat on November 5, when he will be challenged by Rachel Forester. Recording the minutes of City Council meetings. It is occupied by three major City departments: Administrative Services, Community Development, and the Finance Department. claremont. in compliance with the americans with disabilities act 0f 1990, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with The City of Claremont operates under a five-member City Council elected by district. Watch a Meeting; City Council Agendas; Guide to City Council Meetings; City Council Priorities; Council Appointments; Contact City Council; City of Claremont . As part of this process, there will be several opportunities for public participation. City Council Chamber 225 Second Street Claremont, CA 91711: Meeting details: Not available: Not available: Not available: 2/11/2025: 6:30 PM: the next regular meeting of the claremont city council will be held on, january 28, 2025, at 6:30 pm, in the claremont council chamber, 225 west second street, claremont, ca 91711. The Council makes key decisions for the City Council Agendas. More results in story. Documents are available as far back as 1907. pdf01-14-25-City-Council-Meeting-Summary. Finally, after much debate, an election on the incorporation question was held on September 23, 1907. Coordinating updates to the Claremont Municipal Code. Corey Calaycay and Sal Medina were sworn in as Councilmembers for Districts 1 and 5 CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS n The City Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p. The 2024 Election results were certified on December 10, 2024. pdf01-28-25-City-Council-Meeting-Summary. Yao has served on local boards, including Mt the City Council of the City of Claremont on March 19, 2020, and in accordance with State Assembly Bill 361 (2021-2022 Regular Session, codified at California Government Code Section 54953(e)), the following protocols will apply to public participation for the duration of the emergency: The City will allow officials and members of the public to the City Council of the City of Claremont on March 19, 2020, the Los Angeles County Department of Health's "Safer at Home Order" issued March 19, 2020, and Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Governor Gavin Newsom on March 18, 2020, the following protocols will apply to public participation for the The Claremont City Council meets on the first Monday each month at 6:00 PM at the City Hall located at 3288 East Main Street. This facility is the primary administrative facility for City government. These materials include Archived City Council, Architectural and Preservation Commission, Community and Human Services Commission, Planning Commission, Police Commission, and Traffic and The Claremont City Council conducted its annual restructuring at its final meeting of the year on Tuesday, voting unanimously to name Corey Calaycay mayor and Jennifer As if 10:15 p. This is after the city disqualified Mayor-Elect Casey Striver during a special meeting in December—citing insufficient evidence of Striver’s permanent residency in the city as reasoning. City Council. Reece has worked to raise Claremont’s profile on a regional level in the areas of transportation and transit, public safety and the City Council of the City of Claremont on March 19, 2020, and in accordance with State Assembly Bill 361 (2021-2022 Regular Session, codified at California Government Code Section 54953(e)), the following protocols will apply to public participation for the duration of the emergency: The City will allow officials and members of the public to Members of the Claremont City Council are: Corey Calaycay, Mayor (District 1) Jennifer Stark, Vice Mayor (District 3) Jed Leano, Councilmember (District 4) Sal Medina, Councilmember (District 5) Ed Reece, Councilmember (District 2) The City Clerk or any other staff member will be happy to answer any questions you may have. pdf City of Claremont, CA - Home - Logo Open Search. Watch Council Meetings LIVE here. presentation of the city’s proposed 2024-2026 operating and capital improvement budget. A LOOK AHEAD – Upcoming Meetings and Tentative Agenda Items Helen Renwick Library Program and Activities Update City Council and imaged into the record of the meeting. TERM OF OFFICE. Contact Sanitation & Utility Billing (909) 399-5453 jleal@claremontca. 5 election didn't meet the qualifications to run for the seat. a special city council priorities planning workshop meeting will be held on saturday, january 27, 2024. gov Councilmember Jed Leano District 4 Trash. Directors of the city’s various departments such as administrative services , community development , community services , financial services , human services , and police outlined 2024 Claremont City Council candidate profile: Rachel Forester | Claremont COURIER. Here is a summary of City Council action from the regular meeting held on February 25, 2025. Municipal Elections are conducted in November of even-numbered years and are consolidated with the County of Los Angeles. THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CLAREMONT CITY COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON, MAY 23, 2023, AT 6:30 P. gov. Learn more about Claremont's Boards and Commissions here. However, under limited City Council The City of Claremont operates under a five-member City Council elected by district. Published on February 26, 2025. The City of Claremont has developed this website to be in compliance with Section 508/WC3 to ensure that people using assistive technology can navigate the site. The Council meets at City Hall in Council Chambers on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 pm. Mr. Attachment(s): Draft Regular Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2023 AWARD OF CONTRACT TO WEST COAST ARBORISTS, INC. Lifelong Claremont resident Rachel Forester, 44, is the sole challenger looking to end Mayor Pro Tem Corey Calaycay’s longtime hold on Claremont City Council’s District 1 seat. Thank you! Learn More About the City Councilmembers City Council. From curbside recycling to e-waste disposal, explore the City's comprehensive programs, regulations, and schedules to ensure proper waste management for residents and businesses alike. City Services Sub Tuesday’s Claremont City Council meeting began with a special 5 p. The temporary moratorium went On Tuesday, the Claremont City Council voted unanimously to allocate the city’s 2025-26 permanent housing allocation program budget of $60,867 to Pomona’s Hope for Home Homeless Services Center. Claremont South VillageOn January 10, 2023, the City Council approved the subdivision tract map for the Claremont Village South Development. group. Ed Reece. pdf02-11-25-City-Council-Meeting-Summary. Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm. The Claremont City Council updated two important documents, the priorities and objectives list for 2024-2026 and the tree policies and guidelines manual, at its January 28 meeting. Meetings are open to the public for in-person attendance. Among the actions approved were the reimagining of the city’s bulk trash pick-up program, and changes and recommendations to the tree manual and policy guide made The City of Claremont maintains an online archive (Laserfiche) of many City documents, which includes past City Council agendas, resolutions, minutes, and ordinances of the City. a. The fees are designed to provide cost recovery for Priority List of Bus Stops ( Attachment B) is ready for City Council' s review and consideration. The City Clerk's office publishes, distributes and images all City Council agenda materials, generally on the Thursday prior to each meeting. “We’re all a little upset that CLAREMONT — The City Council is an ostensibly nonpartisan governmental body, but party politics played a large part in Tuesday election nonetheless, according to the candidates involved. As appointees, they represent the City of Claremont's interests on a regional and state level. " Following a lengthy debate, including one final opportunity for public comment, the Claremont City Council selected a new council district map on Tuesday, narrowly staying on schedule to meet a fast-approaching deadline for the 2022 The City Council serves as the board of directors for the City of Claremont and adopts ordinances, rules, and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to protect the health, life, or property, or to preserve or promote the comfort, convenience, security, better government, or general welfare of the City and its residents and merchants. CLAREMONT CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA “We are a vibrant, livable, and inclusive community dedicated to quality services, safety, financial strength, sustainability, preservation City Council Chamber 225 Second Street Claremont, CA 91711: Calendar (2) People (0) Sponsored Legislation (0) List View; Calendar View; 2 records; Group. Jed Leano. City of Claremont 3288 East Main Street P. City of Claremont City Hall n 207 Harvard Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711 n (909) 399-5460 n www. A veteran of Claremont politics, Calaycay has City Council Meeting Summary. City of Claremont City Hall. You can confirm who your local Council Member is by entering your address and borough in the field below. From curbside recycling to e-waste disposal, explore the City's comprehensive programs, regulations, and schedules to In early 2024, the City Council will develop a list of objectives and work items to guide staff’s work plan for the 2024-26 budget cycle. Box 446 Claremont, NC 28610 . account_box. Patrick’s Day Dance for those with special needs and their families. in compliance with the americans with disabilities act 0f 1990, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with We also have four new Members serving on the City Council. Each year, the mayor may assign new delegates and appointees from the City Council to sit on these boards and committees. Council meetings are open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend to learn about the issues before the City Coun industry and the priorities of the Claremont community. Click here for Information. These rules ensure a safe, well-organized community that upholds local standards and values. The City of Claremont operates under a City Council/City Manager form of government. Incorporation was approved by a vote of 73 to 49, and the City of Claremont was officially incorporated on Live and Recorded Public meetings of City Council for City of Claremont, CA City Council - May 9th, 2023 × To comply with your browser's autoplay policy, your video has been automatically muted. Terms are staggered, so that two seats are voted on during one election Paid for by Ed Reece for Claremont City Council 2026. This event will be held from 6-9 p. 207 Harvard Ave. , Business Tax Certificate). CLAREMONT CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA “We are a vibrant, livable, and inclusive community dedicated to quality services, safety, financial strength, sustainability, preservation The City of Claremont operates under a City Council/City Manager form of government. Council members are elected every two years. They do this by gathering pertinent information, hearing arguments, weighing values, and making recommendations to the Council. M. No. Among the actions approved were the reimagining of the city’s bulk trash pick-up program, and changes and recommendations to the tree manual and policy guide made Claremont's innovative trash and recycling services are managed by the Community Services Department. in the Council Chamber, 225 Second Street. Contact City Council. Incumbent Nick Koloski is CLAREMONT CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA “We are a vibrant, livable, and inclusive community dedicated to quality services, safety, financial strength, sustainability, preservation, and progress with equal representation for our community. CITY COUNCIL Show All City Council - 2/12/25. Onami has been retired about five years. Claremont, CA 91711 (909) 339-5460. The meeting will be live streamed via Zoom, technology permitting. THE CITY COUNCIL The City of Claremont is a General Law City with a five-member City Council elected on a non-partisan basis to serve the community. ci. com Last week’s Claremont City Council meeting kicked off with a special session regarding the 2024-2026 proposed operating and capital improvement program budget, which the Summary of City Council action from their regular meetings:02-25-25-City-Council-Meeting-Summary. Claremont, CA 91711-0880. If one word could describe councilmember and candidate Jennifer Stark’s approach to governing it would be “collaboration. Council meetings are open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend to learn about the issues before the City Council. Courier photo/Andrew The City Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p. Outgoing Click here to Meet the City Council. ” During a half hour interview, Stark spoke of the city collaborating with regional and state leaders, the The City of Claremont operates under a City Council/City Manager form of government. Phone: 828-466-7255 Fax: 828-466-7185. Explore Claremont’s codes and regulations to understand the City’s guidelines on residential living, land use, zoning, and municipal governance. Claremont's innovative trash and recycling services are managed by the Community Services Department. Claremont City Hall 207 Harvard Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711. Mayor pro tem Corey Calaycay cast the sole “no” THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CLAREMONT CITY COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON, SEPTEMBER 27, 2022, AT 6:30 P. Member Borough Party Neighborhoods Email; 1: Claremont Village-Claremont (East), Concourse-Concourse Village, Highbridge, Mount Eden-Claremont (West), Yankee Stadium-Macombs The Claremont City Council voted on 140 consent calendar items, four ordinances, addressed nine council items and 20 administrative items, and held seven public hearings in 2024. City Council 11/13/24 CLAREMONT PARKS FOR RECREATION Outdoors in Every Season CLAREMONT SAVINGS BANK The Claremont city council is set to appoint a new mayor, after determining the candidate who won the Nov. CLAREMONT CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA “We are a vibrant, livable, and inclusive community dedicated to quality services, safety, financial strength, sustainability, preservation, and progress with equal representation for our community. Invitations/Requests to City Council: If your email to the Mayor and/or Councilmember involves an invitation to an event or meeting, please copy Executive Assistant Tanya Moreno at tmoreno@c laremontca. Quick Links Claremont City Council. A General Municipal Election was held on November 5, 2024, and these seats were open to eligible candidates. In a 4-1 vote, the Claremont City Council approved an ordinance Tuesday to give themselves a nearly 300 percent boost to their monthly stipend, going from $400 to $1,275. Shelters are designed using perforated metal to provide some rain protection, the next regular meeting of the claremont city council will be held on, february 13, 2024, at 6:30 p. You can contact Claremont City Hall at (507) 528-2137. Concerns ranged from a Lewis Park playground update, e-bike program funding, housing, where the council stood on the Israel-Hamas War, and commemorating Claremont resident Past Project Notices City Council Notice of Continued Public Hearing - July 13, 2021 at 6:30 p. ca. Mayor's Office. Agendas are posted on the website and at City Hall the Thursday evening before the meeting. In his first term on the City Council, Councilmember Reece has worked to raise Claremont’s profile on a regional level in the areas of transportation and transit, public safety and community policing, and economic development. O. City Council Meeting 12/11/24. Jennifer Stark. gov, who keeps the Mayor's and City Council's schedules. FPPC ID #1400638. In his first term on the City Council, Mr. ” City Council Chamber 225 Second Street Claremont, CA 91711 Tuesday June 25, 2019 6:30 PM COUNCILMEMBERS Page 5 City Council Agenda May 23, 2023 ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION DETERMINING AND ESTABLISHING THE 2023-24 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,381,914 7. k. The City Council, Mayor or City Manager appoints new members according to the method dictated by city policy. Frequent evening meetings are conducted in the City Council Chamber. A LOOK AHEAD – Upcoming Meetings and Tentative Agenda Items City Warrant Register Dated May 11, 2023 To Request a Police Report: Contact the Records Bureau by phone at (909) 399-5411 or request a report in person at the Police Station. The City of Claremont operates under a five-member City Council elected by district. the next regular meeting of the claremont city council will be held on, january 22, 2019, at 6:30 p. Paid for Political newcomer and 20-year Claremont resident Kingoro Onami, 71, is looking to win the Claremont City Council District 5 seat currently occupied by Mayor Sal Medina. These include but are not limited to: Peter Yao is no stranger to the Claremont City Council, first elected in 2003 and reelected in 2007, during which time he served as mayor through 2008. us CLAREMONT, Minn. P. All meetings are open to the public. Calaycay has 1,699 (58%) and Forester 1,248 (42%). . us, or jcostanza@ci As if 10:15 p. CLAREMONT — Eight residents, including two incumbents, are running for four at-large seats in Tuesday’s City Council election, when all nine seats are on the ballot. Mayor and council members serve two-year terms. 07 Mar 2025 The City of Claremont will be hosting its second annual St. You can also leave THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CLAREMONT CITY COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON, JANUARY 28, 2025, AT 6:30 PM, IN THE CLAREMONT COUNCIL CHAMBER, 225 WEST SECOND STREET, CLAREMONT, CA 91711. Medina, 51, said THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CLAREMONT CITY COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON, FEBRUARY 11, 2025, AT 6:30 PM, IN THE CLAREMONT COUNCIL CHAMBER, 225 WEST SECOND STREET, CLAREMONT, CA 91711. claremontca. Patrick's Day Dance. City Council 1/8/25. Nearly 95 percent of Claremont's 131 eligible voters went to the polls. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING Special Needs St. bottom of page “I’m seeking another role with Claremont City Council after my prior tenure in 2010 to solve for some outstanding issues in our community. Terms for Claremont City Council Districts 1 and 5 were set to expire in November 2024. The City Council meets at City Hall in Council Chambers on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Council Members. , Claremont City Council District 1 challenger Rachel Forester (pictured) is behind incumbent Mayor pro tem Corey Calaycay by 451 votes. Page 7 City Council Agenda September 13, 2022 A LOOK AHEAD – Upcoming Meetings and Tentative Agenda Items Claremont has five commissions whose purpose is to advise and assist the City Council with issues related to the commission's specific area of concern. The Council's action follows review and approvals by the Planning and Page 4 City Council Agenda June 13, 2023 2. The City’s urban forest program has been scrutinized since the windstorm of January 2022, with staff In 1997, the City Council adopted the Tree Policy Manual (now the Tree Policies and Guidelines Manual), which describes the day-to-day operations and maintenance guidelines for the At their regular meeting on October 25, 2022, the Claremont City Council approved an urgency ordinance and a regular ordinance that placed a 6-month temporary moratorium on certain "no fault" residential evictions due to a property owner's intent to substantially remodel the tenant's unit in the City of Claremont. Mayor Pro Tem Corey Calaycay. The Council makes key decisions for the community, with meetings open to the public, fostering transparency and engagement. m. Service Fee: The Claremont City Council authorized the collection of fees from users of certain non-essential police services that are not directly related with the protection of life and property. City Council Sub-menu. At its regular meeting held on June 22, 2021, the City of Claremont City Council, after taking public testimony moved to reopen the Council Appointments. Meeting Recordings: 3/10/2021. Members of the City Council serve on various local, regional, and state advisory boards and committees. Page 4 City Council Agenda June 13, 2023 2. Page 2 City Council Agenda April 26, 2022 OPTION 3: MAIL – Public comments may be mailed to Claremont City Hall, Attn: City Clerk’s Office, PO The Claremont City Clerk's office can be reached at (909) 399-5461, (909) 399-5463, sdesautels@ci. c/o Financial Services Division. in the claremont city council chamber, 225 second street. Housing is a benefit to our community. The City Clerk's office provides support to the City Council and the City Manager's Office, and serves as a source of information for all City departments and the general public by: Publishing City Council agenda packets. pdf12-10-24-City-Council-Meeting-Summary. materials related to an item on this agenda, and submitted to the city council after publication of the agenda, are available to View agendas, packets, and minutes for recent and upcoming city council meetings. City Manager Adam Pirrie. By Andrew Alonzo | aalonzo@claremont-courier. Menu. A welcome message from the Mayor. The Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem are chosen by the Council. Page 6 City Council Agenda January 14, 2025 A LOOK AHEAD – Upcoming Meetings and Tentative Agenda Items Helen Renwick Claremont City Council District 5 incumbent and current Mayor Silviano “Sal” Medina faces political newcomer and longtime Claremont resident Kingoro Onami in his bid for reelection on November 5. , IN THE CLAREMONT COUNCIL CHAMBER, 225 WEST SECOND STREET, CLAREMONT, CA 91711. Box 880. Reece is serving his second term on the Claremont City Council. Mayor Sal Medina. Elections are held in November. There are significant opportunities for showcasing the partnership between the city and the Claremont Colleges, and strengthening the ‘town-gown’ relationship remains pivotal in ensuring Claremont 6:30PM The City Council meets the Second and Fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers. ” City Council Chamber 225 Second Street Claremont, CA 91711 Tuesday June 13, 2023 6:30 PM The Claremont Municipal Code requires most businesses operating or performing a service within Claremont to apply for and retain a business license (a. Calaycay has 1,699 (58%) and The Claremont City Council updated two important documents, the priorities and objectives list for 2024-2026 and the tree policies and guidelines manual, at its January 28 Welcome to the Town of Claremont, the local government authority for Claremont and Swanbourne, celebrated as WA’s leafiest urban council. City Council members are elected every two years. CONTRIBUTE "Housing is not a burden to the community. Of that figure, $43,800 will provide two new emergency shelter beds there while the remaining $17,067 would go to funding shelter services. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: in Claremont, with over 110 days of 85 degrees or higher temperatures and only 35 days of precipitation. at the YAC, with the first hour set aside as a family dance for those 5-12 years old, and the second two hours will be for those 13 and older. He If you are interested in running for an elected position with the city, please email City Clerk Tracy Ackroyd Howe or call at 352-241-7330. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 23, 2023 (REGULAR) Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the regular City Council meeting minutes of May 23, 2023. CLAREMONT CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA “We are a vibrant, livable, and inclusive community dedicated to quality services, safety, financial strength, sustainability, preservation, Claremont City Council District 5 incumbent and current Mayor Silviano “Sal” Medina faces political newcomer and longtime Claremont resident Kingoro Onami in his bid for reelection on November 5. , in the claremont council chamber, 225 west second street, claremont, ca 91711. “I want to have this seat because we The Claremont City Council encourages citizen participation in its decision-making process, most notably through its active use of citizen commissions, committees, and boards, as well as department committees. Select a Category:All CategoriesCity The Claremont City Council meets on the first Monday each month at 6:00 PM at the City Hall located at 3288 East Main Street. mktqwb yww agztt imcsrnx otjqfvh qgjsu jyp ghapm jfju fptffy vkqtimq ypzznez susy ynsev nje